Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Angelic Messages For 2018

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to your second week of 2018! Hope you're transitioning well into this new year.  I had wanted to post this last week, but felt the need to take extra time adding finishing points to this post.  There's a lot of content here, so take your time to review everything and without rushing. We have a whole year ahead of us and you want to make sure your results aren't rushed either.

Collective Reading:

Please note these messages in this post are a collective reading - (reading for all.)  If you would like your own 12 Month personal reading (which would be even more detailed than the guidance below - for example listing each month's personal message), please contact me via e-mail:  I also offer other detailed angel reading selections of various themes, which can be viewed on my website: 

For the following messages below , it's always important to keep an open mind to all possibilities, and to ask your Guardian Angels to show you what these messages represent specifically for you.  Also, like all Angel Readings, the guidance listed below works only if you take heed to it, and willingly take action steps toward creating the best positive future for you. 

2018 is the Master 11/2 Universal Year :

Universal Year is the main theme/energy that everyone on this planet will experience for the current year, which is based on a particular number that is represented/calculated. If you follow numerology, there are also ways to determine your own Personal Year, Personal Month & Personal Day that are reflected in your numerology chart.  The Universal Year is calculated by adding all the numbers within the year. Such as: 2+0+1+8 = 11   When working with numerology and angelic numbers, we calculate the meaning of numbers by sometimes reducing everything down to a single digit.  However, this Universal Year number does not need to, for it is a Master number and it holds powerful energy.  So, we write it as 11/2 to show that we have the power to work with this number as  a whole or reduced - further it shows the choice of using the significance of what these numbers embody. 

Remember, Universal Year is a collective message for all.  When you have calculations of 11/2 it reveals great intensity for the energy during a specific cycle or transit.  In numerology, Master numbers  are repeating numbers such as 11, 22, 33, etc.  

Master number 11 represents:
  • feeling the blending of masculine and female energies 
  • higher spiritual purpose 
  • the motivation to want to do better
  • master elements presented to us within this theme
  • the self
  • creativity
  • initiation
  • independence
  • innovation
  • self-confidence
  • spiritual messenger
  • self-realization
  • self-actualization
  • expansion-evolution
With Master 11/2, comes the "foundational energy" of  "2" which adds another layer to what we are to accomplish this year.   "2" represents energies linked to partnerships, groups, dynamics, being supportive and behind the scenes work. "2" shows us patience and nurturing qualities for ourselves and others.  2018 will teach us to take our time, be flexible but to also invest our time properly with the right tools needed.  The 11/2 combo will help us to loosen the grip of our ego and still keep our gifts - meaning to connect us with others with more humility.

There will be a spiritual illumination this year.  2017 showed us an intense year of new beginnings and rebirth. It was a year of running around and losing site of ourselves in the busyness. 2018 however, will have us slow down and give us more time to regroup and get reacquainted with ourselves and our goals that were overlooked last year.  Love in all relationships will be in main focus.  The overall goal of 11/2 for this year will be to unblock our limits and help us navigate to work with ourselves, with others and the world with more harmony, balance, mutual respect and diplomacy -- to help heal humanity as a whole.  We will become more meditative, loving and emotionally aware to our needs and the needs of others while finally getting things done that we have put off.  2018 will definitely have us figuring out how to balance he production of our goals and being patient with the process in between. 

(Resources for the Universal Year 11/2:  Louise L Hay's Colors and Numbers & Felicia Bender - the practical Numerologist)

Guardian Angels Energetic Messages for 2018 

Artwork by Nadia Strelkina
Beginning of the Year Message: (January through April):  "Study"

"Study" during the next four months, will represent various experiences for all.  For some it might literally mean that you'll be going back to school - whether you are young or older in years.  That class or career that you wanted to pursue is in perfect alignment to continue, or to start now!  Study might reveal that you are researching or reading up on your interests that perhaps pertain to a side job, investment, contracts, buying land or a home, etc. Perhaps your embarking on your own spiritual- intuitive growth that you wish to enhance. You might be looking into practicing Yoga or Pilates, Reiki, become a Vegan and learn about meal prep, etc. Maybe you'll train for a new sport or trade. Research for the writing of your next book of fiction,  take months off and finally do leisurely reading.   You could also explore new attributes about yourself through traveling on your own (whether near or far), and "the study" that you will undergo here, is more of self-discovery.  There is no limit to what "Study" entails and you are definitely going to be gathering all types of info along the way, including experiences, and the confidence to move toward the middle part of the year.

Middle of the Year Message: (May through August): "Romance"

"Romance" will also involve different journeys for the majority.  This could be the year that you connect with a romantic partner, that could lead to a marriage.  If you are already in a relationship, there's a possibility that you might get engaged.  If you are already married, you might witness rekindled signs of love to your current relationship.  Maybe you'll move in with your partner.  You might also finally decide to end a toxic relationship that was much needed--further enabling you to connect with whom you are more deserving to be with, or to reconnect with yourself.  Most importantly, for the middle of the year, you will fall in love with life again.  You will love/be more comfortable with  yourself and all that composes your being.  Your relationship with yourself will become more solid.  You will love more where you're life is headed because you have taken the time in the beginning of the year to know exactly what your game-plan is.  This year feels more and more like the year of watching your manifestations come to life, and not feeling the heavy burden of what may have seemed sluggish in 2017.  2017 we learned what didn't work for us and what we need to truly take care of.  This year we can hit the ground running stronger!

End of the Year Message:  (September through December): "Children"

"Children" has many levels of importance for this year.  For some, those who have been trying to have children for the first time or want to add to their family will have the opportunity to do so.  Perhaps those who've been wanting to adopt can also find this to be a reality. Maybe you'll get involved working with children regarding charities/organizations/donations.   This message also shows that your children will teach you so much for the last four months of the year-- a lot about yourself and about life.  Bonds will grow stronger.  However, what I feel more pronounced with this message, is that "Children" will also reveal to you - that which you have "nurtured" all year with your life purpose, your goals, your inner works--will start to make its presence known to you.  You will, as the saying goes, "see the fruits of your labor."  And as you go into 2019 - that which you have prepared and worked on this year, will make the world of difference in the coming years.  "Children" also asks for you to connect more with your inner child.  Make more time for happiness, love & laughter.  Trust more, and worry less.  Connect again with your inner peace which suits very well for the end of year holidays.

I'm wishing you all a productive, strong, confident, loving, fruitful, healthy 2018!  I pray that you all move forward fearlessly as to what this year has to offer for your personal paths.  Check back here weekly for your Angel's messages, including collective messages for the months and seasonal transitions.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy 2018! ~ Full Moon

Hello Everyone! 

2018 has finally arrived!!!!!! I'm so beyond excited and I  hope you feel the same as well.  I'm definitely picking up on such calmer, cleaner, and more easy flowing vibes for this new year.  I'll be posting later this week the collective angelic messages for 2018 & what to energetically expect.

I wanted to discuss two items today, first--to share my latest article from the Muddled Millennial that was posted last year (December 30th--seems weird to type that lol).  I closed with my thoughts on what I learned from 2017, that I think might help you move forward fearlessly with 2018.

Here's the link:

Lastly, we are in the second day of the new year and it's time for the Full Moon phase once more-- which is perfect for what the new year is all about.  When experiencing a Full moon, its that time to assess and release what no longer suits you in your life and your higher purpose.  This enables you to  attract and make way for the "newness" in your life.  "Letting go" can range from old habits/behaviors/thought patterns, addictions of any kind, lower emotions, materialistic objects, abusive relationships, spending habits, those who  disrespect your boundaries, and the list goes on and on.  With 2017 just behind us, its definitely fresh in our minds what we know we need to either improve, make more time for, or start anew.  The link above will act as a guide in leading you toward what needs to be released for this Full Moon.

There are countless ways to honor this day energetically -- some  include meditation, restorative yoga, Reiki and automatic writing.  Automatic writing is perfect those who may have trouble visualizing and can express themselves better through their words.  Which ever way you release, as long as you're making time for what needs to be nurtured within you, that's all that matters!

Here's to 2018 & Releasing the Old Energy!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Andrea =)