Monday, March 31, 2014

"I'm Open To Receiving & Giving Love"

Love comes in all forms between couples, families, friends, etc.  It can be expressed in various ways.  Love can stand the test of time, even on the days you think it has escaped you.

"I'm Open to Receiving & Giving Love" ---What does this affirmation mean for us?

How open you are to receiving love and your thoughts on whether you think you deserve it, determines  how much you are willing to give back.  We are all deserving of love.  It never waivers especially the love of God and our Angels for us--for it is unconditional.  The love you have for yourself, is just as important.
Who is affected by our love?

Our Angels want us to take time every day, to truly show how much we love whomever is in our lives.  You can say it with words, with a card, a warm gesture, a surprised favor.  You can show it by just being there for someone who needs that gentle ear.  It doesn't matter how you do it, but that you do express it.  When you are more open to expressing your love for others, you receive it even more so.  It's a beautiful, safe habit to develop.

Your Angels also want you to start discovering all the good in your life--thus loving life itself! Life isn't out to torture you--it's meant for us to grow together stronger and build our selves up along with one another.  There is so much around our environment that exhibits love, if we are only willing to see it.
Most importantly...

Practicing unconditional love for ourselves as well, will help us nurture our emotions from within.  Stop being hard on yourself if you failed at something.  Don't ridicule yourself.  We are all students in essence toward what life brings, and we can only grow smarter by the experiences we have that we learn from.   If we learn to love ourselves first, then we are able to love others!

Embrace all that love does for us and what you can do with it!
~Andrea~  =)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

"I Have The Ability Within Me To Nurture Changes in My Life"

Today's affirmation reminds us that we aren't vulnerable to changes that occur in our lives, rather changes make us stronger.

We are able to be flexible & adaptable no matter what life can throw at us.

Our ego's are afraid of change because it knows we are that much closer to living our purpose. 
Our ego's know that we do have untapped potential within us, & will try anything to cover that truth.

So how do we nurture changes in our lives?

Keep your:
  • Expectations High:  Know that you do deserve the best there is for you. Never settle.
  • Intentions Strong:    Be true to who you are & remember why you want to make changes.
  • Thoughts Positive:    Don't let one ounce of doubt mix with your purest thoughts for success.

Here's to an inspiring weekend...keep your positive thoughts soaring high!!!!

~Andrea~ =)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Remind Myself To Be Grateful...

What are you thankful for? Is it your family? A roof over your head? Money to buy groceries? The love you have with your significant other? The faith and guidance your Angels give you?
"I Remind Myself To Be Grateful"  What does this mean when we affirm this to ourselves?

No matter what it is that your grateful for, your Angels want you to always make time to recognize what it is.  Pause and reflect, and allow yourself to be receptive to it.  Doing so brings more good things into your life and makes you realize more than ever--- how wonderful your life really is...always in supply...never really in lack.  Its seeing the blessings in disguise!

Today's affirmation also shows us that how we show that we are grateful is just as important as saying "Thank you."  Show your gratitude toward others....with an "I love you," an unspoken gesture, a happy surprise, lending a hand back that you had once received. 

Being grateful/thankful, is such a wonderful-contagious epidemic to catch! Its inspiring to others and it helps others realize too, their lives are just as precious!

So your homework this weekend...Show Gratitude---in as many ways as you can think of!
I hope you all have an inspiring weekend and express your deepest love to the world and yourself.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

~Andrea~  =)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Nothing is Ever Lost...

We've all had those days where we've misplaced something, thought we lost a certain item, etc.  You then feel those familiar emotions start to set it in such as:  Worry-that you won't find what you're looking for.  Anger- toward yourself for being so careless for misplacing it, and then the "back talk" we give ourselves. 

Our Guardian Angels though, don't want us to have those emotions toward ourselves or linger in them. There is another way to understand why we can't find missing items right away, and it's all about discovering  faith, trust and patience in ourselves and the universe....

A few days ago, I wanted to refer to some notes that I wrote down a while back.  I started to look in all the familiar and unfamiliar places that I thought I could find it, but to no avail...couldn't find the notes.  It was disappointing that they were nowhere in sight because these notes contained really great ideas that I had.  I thought, why wouldn't I place them somewhere that would allow me easy access?   
I then realized, I can't let it upset me any further. I've done all I could in trying to relocate them.  I then prayed to my Angels, "Please help me find my notes today, so I can begin working on my project."  I surrendered and released my concern, and then decided to just let it go, and move on to the next item that I had to take care of that day.

About an hour and a half later, I was looking through a spiral notebook I had, and while looking through that notebook for another item, (unrelated to the initial notes I was looking for), I then suddenly found the notes I wanted earlier that day! =)

"Nothing is Ever Lost"---So what does this affirmation mean for us?

My personal experience above, was something small that I misplaced, but no matter the size or importance of what we are looking for, it  doesn't make having faith, trust or patience less important.   And, it's when you start off with the smaller items to build your faith upon, it makes the bigger concerns, seem less harder to go through.

When you feel you have lost something, try to follow these thought process steps:

  • Its okay to be in the moment of feeling have to admit first how you feel to yourself because if you stuff down the emotion, as if it doesn't exist, it only builds up more, blocking you from truly healing from it.

  • Do not dwell though on being upset for long.   Surrender  your concern(s) to your Guardian Angels.   Trust and have faith that as you affirm to yourself "Nothing is Ever Lost", that you will recover what you are looking for.  Know that it will come back to you either healed or in a different way that you least expect it, still bringing you great joy!

  • Once you affirm this, release your concern(s) and just move on to something else, knowing that your request will be taken care of.  Do not worry about the how's or the when part of the solution.  When you allow yourself to center, and bring peace back to your mind, your then able to receive what your looking for.

So the next time you lose something remember to affirm..."Nothing is Ever Lost"   -- We may not be able to find it at the moment, but when we realign ourselves to be at peace with it....miraculous things do happen!
~Andrea~ =)



Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hello & Welcome!

      My name is Andrea & I'm a Certified Angelic Life Coach & Certified Angel Card Reader with Clairvoyant & Clairsentient intuitive abilities.  I truly love connecting & relaying messages from our Guardian Angels whom want us to live an abundant--positive life, with better clarity and purpose.

       My daily affirmations are based on reflections of my own life and those messages that our Angels would like for us to know for the day.  When you incorporate these affirmations into your daily regimen, you will truly see, that you have the power within you to make every day feel and be your best!

I hope these posts provides the motivation you are seeking, and that you can pass on to others. 

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
