Saturday, March 29, 2014

I Remind Myself To Be Grateful...

What are you thankful for? Is it your family? A roof over your head? Money to buy groceries? The love you have with your significant other? The faith and guidance your Angels give you?
"I Remind Myself To Be Grateful"  What does this mean when we affirm this to ourselves?

No matter what it is that your grateful for, your Angels want you to always make time to recognize what it is.  Pause and reflect, and allow yourself to be receptive to it.  Doing so brings more good things into your life and makes you realize more than ever--- how wonderful your life really is...always in supply...never really in lack.  Its seeing the blessings in disguise!

Today's affirmation also shows us that how we show that we are grateful is just as important as saying "Thank you."  Show your gratitude toward others....with an "I love you," an unspoken gesture, a happy surprise, lending a hand back that you had once received. 

Being grateful/thankful, is such a wonderful-contagious epidemic to catch! Its inspiring to others and it helps others realize too, their lives are just as precious!

So your homework this weekend...Show Gratitude---in as many ways as you can think of!
I hope you all have an inspiring weekend and express your deepest love to the world and yourself.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

~Andrea~  =)

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