Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"I Devote Enough Time For My Priorities"

Sometimes you have so much on your plate, that you wish you had multiple versions of yourself to complete each task.  When the work piles up, whether its business or personal needs that must be met, you may start to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or possibly procrastinate.

Your Angels want to help you prevent your to-do list from falling through the cracks.

It's Time to Affirm

Pause right now, and take a moment to say aloud, or to yourself:

"I Devote Enough Time For My Priorities."  When you affirm this statement, you are putting out to the universe that you are willing to align yourself with sufficient time and energy to get things completed.

If you keep saying: "There's never enough time!" or "I'm never going to get this done," what have you noticed has happened following these statements?  9 times out of 10, you probably didn't get anything done.  You are just confirming to the universe here, that you want to attract more of "less time" to do what you need to.

What Your Angels Want You To Do

  • Start each morning with this above affirmation
  • Pray to your Angels: "My Angels, please help me find the time, motivation, determination and energy to complete all the tasks I need to complete today.  Please help me connect with the right  people and resources that will help me further complete the items on my list.  Thank you for your constant guidance, inspiration and comfort."

A Great Book That Can Help:

I highly recommend Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy.  Its an excellent book to help get your priorities in order, to remind you that you aren't vulnerable to the demands of daily routines and that you do have control over how you manage your day, your time, your life.

You'll find advice such as:
  • How to compose your "To Do" lists
  • Recognizing what activities take away from you completing your important tasks
  • How to start each day
  • And so much more insightful info

Guidance, Motivation & Comfort always,

~Andrea~ <3

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