Monday, October 5, 2015

Fitness is a State of Mind

What comes to mind when you think of the word "Fitness?" Is it:
  • Going to the gym
  • Taking cycling classes
  • Running
  • Lifting weights
  • Dieting
  • Swimming
  • Kick Boxing
For the most part, these activities above and many more are associated with fitness.  However, regarding the main theme of this blog, Fitness can also involve exercising our minds to be more flexible toward the positive while shedding the negative thoughts away.

"Fitness is a State of Mind."

Fitness doesn't have to be limited to just your physical body.  Its also your mental state---how and what you are thinking, what negative or positive thoughts you channel, what patterns of thought you hold on to or eliminate, that determines how healthy and "Fit" you really are, thus affecting your emotional then physical state.  Its a domino affect---what you affirm daily, whether its your words or actions, determines how you flow throughout the day and how productive you are in the long run.

Even spending time with those who drain your energy, those people that are the type that can't find the bright side to anything and always expect the worse things to happen to them.  These people can rob you of moving forward with your own life.  Next time, take notice to how your feeling when your around someone who has that point of view about life.

How to stay "Fit"

  • Pay attention to all the thoughts that pass through your mind daily.  Keep a journal around with you if possible and record what type of thought(s) your having, when did you have it, was anyone associated with it, what other factors were involved.  Did it lead to positive or negative results.  Keeping a log of your thoughts, might help you recognize any patterns --ways of thinking that are throwing you off course.  Are affirming the wrong thoughts?
  • Write any aspects of your life that you feel grateful for.  Even if its one item--its a start! This healthy habit to get into will allow you to recognize that there is good that surrounds you in your life, regardless of what may seem like days that things go sour.  
  • Have patience with yourself.   Nothing can turn around completely in a day.  Being hard on yourself is exactly the opposite of staying fit.  The more encouraging you are to yourself the better.  Involve others that you trust in your plight to turn a new leaf and become mentally fit.
  • Associate yourself with those who only have the best intentions at heart for you, that mirror your same morals, interests and compassion.  The more you surround yourself with positive people, the more good you will attract into your life.

Guidance, Inspiration and Comfort always,

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