Monday, November 2, 2015

Monthly Guidance Message for November....

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

For those who don't have Facebook or Twitter, I will post here for this week's blog, my Monthly Message for November.  Also, if your on Instagram, I've finally joined the community: Hope to connect with you there as well.

Enjoy this months message below:

Monthly Guidance for November: "Support"

This monthly post supplies direction on what the current month's energy means for you and how to plan toward your goals.

As we move into November, which I feel truly represents the heart of Autumn, we connect more with the harvest or being aware that we truly are abundant in all ways. I felt drawn to use the Life Purpose oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue (shown below)  as this deck is geared toward connecting with what you are meant to be and share ...with the world.

The Angels bring you the message of Support for November confirming that if you've been considering or in the process of changing your careers (working toward your life purpose), you are more than supported in all areas of your life to do so.

You will not be without lack making changes that will improve your life and well being. Even if you have just made the switch in careers or have transitioned into a new healthier lifestyle, your Angels want you to know that you shouldn't feel doubt toward your decision, since you have heard correctly the call from your intuition to proceed.

As long as you stay committed to positive affirmations, action plans and align yourself with your integrity & honest intentions and allow divine timing to flow naturally, than your life purpose, no matter what it is, will flourish.

Remember when you ask your Angels for guidance and support they can be ever more present in your life. Think of them as your ultimate business partners, career counselors knowing exactly how to guide you along your path for they see all your potential and they want to help you see it too. The have the best intentions for you and will shed light with every step you take.
Embrace this month for all its bounty it has to offer for you, which goes beyond material gain, but emotional comfort as well.

(If you would like a more detailed Angel Reading, please inquire & I will arrange an appointment.)

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

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