Monday, December 21, 2015

Seasonal Comfort Message ~ Winter Solstice ~ "Intention"

Seasonal Comfort Message for Winter Solstice:


This seasonal post describes the current season’s energy; how it affects you and ways to prepare for your life purpose.

What a perfect card to receive for winter as we are nearing the close of 2015. Our angels’ message simply asks, What are your intentions? Where do you see yourself in your life? What are your future plans? These are always questions you wrestle with when a new year begins.

The secret to answering all of these, is to be honest with yourself. What do you truly intend to accomplish? Each decision you make shapes your experiences in life. You must match your thoughts (intentions) with your action plans. For example, if you wish to be a published writer by next year, then you have to actually write the book. You can’t sit back and expect the book to write itself. You have to do the research, character development, outlining, drafting, etc. And sometimes allow and accept/trust divine timing to take its course when needed. Saying your going to do something and actually doing it are two different things and bring you very different results—one being just a dream and the other, a reality.

Winter known as hibernation time for some woodland animals is reflective of what winter is for us. During the first few months of winter is self-inventory time; discovering what work needs to be done, gathering your resources, and making decisions. You are generating your strength and knowledge and putting it toward the grounding of your dream. Remember intention simply means that you have a set accomplishment that you intend to achieve and see it through. When you breathe life daily into your goal, the more momentum you have to complete it.  This doesn’t have to be just toward big term goals—but short term—every day goals as well.

No matter what you intend to focus on in life, nurture your thoughts and actions with love, patience and positive outlooks. Focusing on lack, the how’s and the why’s will only attract you to more of what you don’t want and detouring you from your intentions. Once you make a decision, the rest will follow.

Set up vision boards or affirmation boards to help you see and feel the energy of what you want to create. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals that will buoy your faith and confidence, and truly have their best intentions and heart for you. It’s okay to ask for help especially if its someone who has expertise in the area your trying pursue.

Ask your angels to help you replace fear and doubt with more inspirational and motivating thoughts. You aren’t taking them away from helping others as they are around all of us 24/7.

I feel 2016 has “the opening of new doors” energy, and I know that we all can walk through those doors courageously, if your willing to surrender and release your concerns to your angels.
In January, stay tuned for my post of your angels’ message for the new year.
(Card drawn from Healing with the Angels oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.)

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

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