Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Angelic Monthly Guidance ~ February's Energy Reading

Image from artist Nadia Strelkina
Hello Everyone, this post reveals how to harness this month’s energy toward your goals.

February will be all about balancing your resources.  As we are in the second month of the year, (2)  represents relationships, partnerships, choices, decisions, yin and yang and how your resources are affected by these. 

The card for this month, Four of Earth from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s Angel Tarot cards, reflects on stability, structure—if areas in your life are staying the same or becoming too much of something else.  And here is where the balancing of resources comes in. Since Four of Earth is a symbol for manifestation—whether its materialistic in nature or not, your angels ask that you take caution of what you do with your money, (resources), in order to obtain what your aspiring to.

Maybe you’ve noticed that you have been spending too much money on items that you thought you needed, but now your only collecting excess.  Perhaps your being too cautious with your money in fear of being in lack if you use it.

A balance here must be made in order to bring the right and new opportunities/possibilities to you through change.  Change can bring many avenues of abundance than you could ever imagine.

For those who feel their spending habits are too high, ask your angels to help you review your spending patterns and uncover what needs to be adjusted. Consider opening savings accounts.  Make a list of priority items that your resources should really go to.  For those who spend less, out of fear of losing money, consider donating your money or spending it toward others who need it most, so you feel you are using it in meaningful ways.

Your angels want you to be aware of how fear-based thoughts regarding money can limit your growth toward your purpose.  Embrace the resources you have in a responsible and flexible way that will continue to open doors for you.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Andrea <3

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