I wanted to discuss how to recognize when your inner guidance--intuitive compass from God and your angels, is working/when they are truly speaking to you. In other words, how to distinguish when your feeling positive guidance or fear based thoughts. While I was walking the streets of Manhattan this week, I felt compelled to relay this topic and I realized how my 2016 Energy Reading post truly is kicking into high gear this month. As the hurried New Yorkers passed me by, you can feel that every single person has concerns, worries, hopes, plans all waiting in the balance of their choices and much needed change. And its no coincidence that our current month, May is the 5th month which in angel numbers means opportunity/change/growth. When your making life transformations, its imperative to know when and where your intuitive compass is guiding you.
Just to briefly refresh, in angel numbers our current year 2016, is broken down into "9" -- representing endings--you've completed a part of your journey that allows you to go to the next phase, next step along your path. Your now ready---qualified to do what's now necessary. "9" also means how you want to view things in your life--be it a optimistic view or a pessimistic one. This sets the tone for what you'll experience. What you emanate, you will receive. Your thoughts shape your destiny! All that you have planned, researched, worked toward as come to a crucial point--an ending so to bring you to the creation phase-- and at this point, it is imperative that you keep moving forward fearlessly. (And here is where today's post ties into 2016 Energy Reading)---Your intuitive will never steer you wrong---having an open mind to other possibilities are the key ingredients to breathing life into your manifestations. The energy of 2016 shows you that all your hard work and dedication brings you to new places and the reality of whatever your trying to accomplish. Your very close to reaching this part of your life---don't settle for anything less!
How To Follow Your Intuitive Compass
Your ego is afraid of progress, change and love. Whenever you think of or want to make a change for the better--embark on a new life path, your ego knows your getting closer to being more of who you truly are. The ego feels threatened because its starting to lose control over your thoughts, emotions and actions. So whenever your working on a life goal and you notice days where your energy shifts to a unmotivated level, that's your ego trying to bring you backwards and away from your goal.
Your ego tries to mask its guidance when it involves your intuitive compass. Whether you ask God and your angels for assistance or your mind starts wondering through the pros and cons of choices you have to make, ego based guidance will sound like this:
- I don't think I can finish this
- It's impossible if I go ahead with it
- There's no other option for me
- I should just give up
- What if....
- How will I....
- What will others think
- If I do this, then this will happen
- I've failed once, there's no point in trying again
- They have more luck than I do
This above list can go on and on--all of it is centered around fear-based scenarios that deter you from fully trying to see what the positive can offer you.
Following your intuitive guidance from God and your angels sounds like this:
- All is well
- You are not a victim
- Every step is a step closer to the new
- You have the power within you
- Tomorrow is a new day
- You are an assertive-loving being
- Focus on service and the service will serve you
- You are supported in all ways
- You are never alone
- Your purpose is unique and needed
- I count my blessings not my lack--for there is no lack
Do you notice how much lighter the energy is just by reading the intuitive compass statements above than the limited progress of the ego's intentions?
When you pray to God and your angels for guidance--your intuitive compass can be followed by these signs below, further showing you that this guidance comes from a loving, motivational, comforting, supportive and positive place:
- coins on the ground
- feathers
- rainbows
- significant colors
- angelic sparkles of light
- heart-shaped clouds
- hearing a song repetitively on the radio
- overhearing a conversation that involves your situation
- reading an article
- seeing frequent numbers such as “444,” “333” or other number combinations on license plates, receipts, digital clocks, or home addresses, which have a personal meaning for you
- butterflies, birds, dragonflies
- smell of roses, incense, perfume, cologne, or cooking
- feeling a warm sensation (as if being hugged)
- dreams/visions
- visits/visions from Mother Mary or Jesus
- hearing your name being called by your angels
Ask and you shall
Your angels are constantly guiding and
watching over you. However, your free will still determines the depth of how
much your angels can intervene in your life. You still have a choice regarding
how much contact your angels have with you. The more you pray/talk to them, the
more they are invited into your world—and the more you’re able to identify
their guiding energy around you.
It’s also important to be clear and
truly state your intentions when having a dialogue with God and your angels. Be
honest with yourself. Don’t hold back! You’re never bothering them, and no
question or request is big or small enough to take them away from helping
others. God and your angels are present at all times for everyone! When something
is troubling you or you need advice, don’t hesitate for a second to ask your angels
for assistance. Always ask them to send you strong, familiar and regular signs. You can read more about connecting with your angels in my book Messages From My Grandparents...In Heaven: How You Can Keep Contact With Yours.
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,