"You know great things are coming when everything seems to be going wrong.
Old energy is clearing out for new energy to enter.
Be patient!"
We've all been there, myself included. Those days, weeks, months, even years when the unthinkable happens or one thing after the next seems to pile on and on. Its hard to "hang in there" or recite to yourself, "this too shall pass" when all you have around you is what seems to be endless setbacks, loss and obstacles. There is a reason for it all. Even if we don't see that silver lining right away, there are inner and outer workings that are helping us through these unexplainable times.
For today's post, I channeled again Archangel Michael Oracle Cards from Doreen Virtue.
His message for today is "Energy Healing Work."
Before I further explain, take a moment to look at this card's image. Really take time gazing at every aspect of it...what do you sense by viewing it? What comes to mind.....
For me, I feel at peace, despite whatever is going on in my world. Its as if Archangel Michael depicted in this card is saying "Shhh....There is no distress here, you will see this through," without holding his finger up to his mouth -- but rather the calmness in his eyes and the energy--aura of light swirling around him, suggests it. The light glowing from his heart is prompting to bring serenity there---the center of where all emotions are stored. Instantly a sense of assurance that all will be figured out washes over. His hands clasped in front of him, further suggests him saying, "Now, what is there that needs to be done? What can we work on? What is the true reality here? Let us pray on this." This is what Archangel Michael and your angels want you to feel and understand despite what you are currently experiencing right now.
As always, there are no coincidences with angel readings. The quote at the start of this post read "Old energy is clearing out for new energy to enter." correlates to the meaning on the card above. During this time, you are experiencing energy healing work. Whatever you have been praying for, meditating on, affirming, the answers you seek for, that newness, the fresh, the pure to officially come through---you may have to go through situations that call for you to dig deeper, to understand your potential, to connect more with the spiritual, to gain trust and faith in life, yourself and in God. This may be a time for you to realize to drop old habits, patterns that are blocking you from moving forward. This is a major clean up time---a time to refuel your entire being. When your in the mode of doing so, you can work with Archangel Michael and he can help you gain the courage, insight and confidence to know what you need to eliminate in your life that no longer suits you.
A story I want to share further shows how to understand why things may seem like their going wrong, but what it really entails. I was at church one Sunday and the Priest's message that day was how to move forward in life when tragedy strikes. The Priest spoke of a man whose wife had cancer. The whole family rallied around one another and prayed and did all sorts of things to keep everyone positive. The wife did live a bit longer than was diagnosed, but then one day, her time came to go home to heaven. The husband was upset because he felt that the power of his prayers did nothing since his wife ended up dying and he made this known to the priest. The Priest turned to the husband and explained to him that his prayers did help. He further mentioned that it brought the husband's family closer together in such a way they've never experienced before. Faith was present there when there never was. That in itself was a healing and that his wife needed to fully heal further in heaven, but she was brought there safely, by the love and support of her family. Another example of this, can be found in my book, Messages From My Grandparents...In Heaven, Chapter III.
Archangel Michael, urges you to surround yourself with people who can elevate your mood, help lift the burdens you feel and replace it with hope. Your heightened energy will allow you to see through what you are experiencing and you'll better be able to hear the guidance of your angels when you need assistance in this area. The first few chapters of my book also lists ways to elevate your energy. Also, seeking counsel from energy healers, whether is Reiki practitioners, mediums, angel card readers, holistic healers, etc., can assist in clearing out your energy.
I will close with an prayer you can recite to Archangel Michael during these times:
"Thank you Archangel Michael for sending healing energy to me and through me, for my own blessings and all those around me. Thank you for connecting me to loving and high-integrity healers and teachers of energy-healing modalities."
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
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