YAYYYY!!!! Its here! Its finally here! Summer has arrived here in New York and the air already smells sweeter and the gentle breeze feels more comforting! Summer is my favorite season, enabling you to enjoy the outdoors more and vacation. I'm very excited to share what our angels' energetic message for Summer is....
As it is known, there are no coincidences with angel cards. Cards that are drawn are meant to be revealed in the reading at that given time. The card that I intuitively selected from Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Angels deck is nature.
There are so many elements to this message and what Summer has to offer. Here our angels' remind us to return to basics--simplicity and calmness of our life. Filtering out what no longer suits you and rejuvinating the mind, body and soul with enriching energy. Connecting with the outdoors more to refresh-recharge your batteries. Being in nature is like living a song--the melody/rhythm of life carries you and reveals to you the beauties of the world inside and outside you. Traveling more this season could be a possibility for you as well. Perhaps your experiencing a home or office move that involves more of the outdoors--example a move from the city to the suburbs or being involved in environmental causes or animal or plant life occupations. If you can't get out into nature--bring nature to you. Keep flowers or plants in your home or listen to music/nature themed songs. I recommend Dan Gibson's solitude's collection which showcases various types of nature themed sounds mixed with classical music or acoustic guitar or other melodies.
It might be tough to get out into nature when you work all day, but if you can spare at least ten minutes outside, that's more than not going out at all. Why just today, I decided to eat my home made lunch outside to celebrate Summer Solstice. Take advantage today and celebrate with your kids or loved ones and take a walk in the park or by the beach, ride a bike or rollerblade, have a dinner picnic or dessert one. Today is the longest day of sunlight--don't waste it inside.
Nature is calling you to take a deep look inside your heart and take advantage of its healing properties and the benefits of working with it. Enjoy all that this day and season has to offer. Embrace its playfulness and invigorating energy. You might notice the answers you've been seeking, are right outside you're door.....
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort,
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