Monday, March 19, 2018

Angelic Seasonal Comfort - Spring

Hello Everyone!

Spring will finally makes its way to the Northern Hemisphere Tuesday, March 20th.  And even though the temps may not reflect this seasonal change, the vibrational energy of Spring Equinox still holds true.  Even if your part of the world will not experience Spring, you can still reflect and incorporate its meaning into your life.

The Angelic Seasonal Comfort message for Spring is: "Celebration"

Along with our change in season, we are also experiencing Mercury Retrograde, which adds extra meaning to what we will experience.  Its pre-shadow phase started last week and Mercury goes full retrograde this week on March 23rd.  For those unfamiliar with Mercury Retrograde, please refer to my last post on Mercury Retrograde here.

To sum up, Mercury Retrograde's energy gives us a chance to slow down, and reevaluate whats going on in our lives.  We learn to revisit areas in our lives we've put off and make time to finish what we started whether personal or career goals.  Any setbacks we might experience during this three week period only brings to our attention to review, release and review certain areas of our lives -- to nurture and be more patient with ourselves.  These elements go perfect with what Spring is all about--a chance for rebirth, new opportunities and growth.

Celebrate the beauty & joy that surrounds you (Image from Google)
For Spring's energetic message, your Guardian Angels wants you to recognize that there's so much to celebrate in your life! There is so much good that surrounds you already-- more than you know!  This holds true as we experience Mercury Retrograde--when we sometimes undergo temporary stalls--we can instead look at this time as an opportunity to rediscover our intentions and recognize the strengths within our potential.

Spring gets us out of the hibernation phase and into the light--into newly aligned paths.  All the planning, hard work you've been creating - working toward - whether personal or career goals, you'll start to see--take shape! Keep nurturing yourself and the path you've chosen.  Don't stop now!  Continue to be inspired to live the life that mirrors your intentions and you'll see the benefits and results of staying true to your course.  

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
If you'd like a more detailed- personal angel reading, please visit my website:   and you can also contact me via: to schedule an appointment. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Angelic Monthly Guidance ~ March

Hello Everyone!

Well, with a blink of an eye we are already into the second week of March! And in a few days--Spring will makes it way and hopefully warm things up here in New York.

Things have definitely been busy on my end....

I've revisited some writing projects - 2 upcoming books that I'm very exited about--details coming your way soon.  I've also been involved with three workshops since February, one of which I've co-hosted with a dear friend of mine, and Yoga Instructor, Laura Gotlin. And I've composed  new articles for the Muddled Millennial.

I hope things have been flowing well for  you all, and if you have been going through some tough times, I pray that you will reconnect with your inner peace and be receptive to all the messages that your Guardian Angels are trying to send your way.

My goal this year is to post regularly - once a week on Monday's to this blog.  It's something I definitely want to focus on more since I wasn't able to do so last year as much as I intended.  This year seems like a more quiet year  & so I want to ensure you'll all have your Monday-weekly message to start out your week on a positive, enlightening note.

So, let's get to it---your Guardian Angels want to share with you this month's energetic messages so you can get a jump on the next phase of  2018.

"Playfulness"  March's Angelic Message

Leap into life with a playful heart (Image from Google)

March is the third month of the year - representing creativity, growth, change and enjoying where you are in your life - right now.

Your Guardian Angels want you to add more enjoyment into your life.  You've been working hard for a while now whether toward personal or career goals, and its time to grant yourself a release.

As its always shown , there are no coincidences in life and especially with Angel Card Readings.  The "Playfulness" message for March, coincides with an article I just wrote for the Muddled Millennial, featuring why its important to give yourself a "time-out" to reevaluate, rejuvenate, and reboot yourself. 

Time-outs don’t just have to be quiet time.  Yes, if your day-to-day is always hectic and you feel that you’re never home, or drained, then a more inward time-out would be suitable for you.  However, if you feel that you don’t go out enough or don’t enjoy life as much, then a time-out of spontaneous excitement is what you need.   

Make your time-outs the opposite of what you normally do.  Bring more fun or serenity into your life.  There is no right or wrong way to honor what your body, mind and soul is looking for, as long as you’re doing something healthy, and promotes progress in your life.  You owe it to yourself to check in once in a while with how you’re functioning. If you want to check out some ideas for time-outs, plus my own experience with needing a time-out, I'll post  my Muddled Millennial article link as soon as its published. 

Your Guardian Angels want you to see that playfullness allows you to reignite the passion for life and your goals as well as helping  elevate your mood.  Take time this month to truly honor what you need mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

If you'd like a more detailed- personal angel reading, please visit my website:  and you can also contact me via: to schedule an appointment.