"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" You've all heard this saying before, perhaps even recited it yourself. True, everyone has their own opinion on what they consider as beautiful, however, lets turn this around...how beautiful do
"you" see yourself?
"I See My Inner Beauty With Kind & Loving Eyes" This affirmation is not a chance for you to be conceited and hold yourself superior to others. However, this affirmation asks you to pause, and reflect on how you really see yourself. It's a chance for you to be gentle, to not be critical or see physical flaws in you, but rather a reminder of the divine qualities you do have--the unique creations we all are. The light that shines inside you, radiates outward casting an inspirational glow....if you let it....
You may think you have limitations or look differently than others because you are lacking, but this isn't so. You are on this earth to look, sound, act and think like "YOU!"
Only you can be you and if we were
all here to look the same etc., than this world would be pretty boring and a bit questionable.
Growing up, I had a hard time understanding that the
individuality within me was acceptable.
I always thought others were prettier or had better talents than
me. As I got older, I realized that,
there is only one me and that is for a reason.
What I have to offer can touch the lives of my family, friends and so
many others. What we all have to offer
is a gift onto itself.
What makes you beautiful is the grace in your heart, your kind words to others, but most importantly yourself. What makes you radiant is your positive attitude, your confidence and your ability to let yourself live life and have fun. All of this will reach the surface for others to see and be inspired by.
Your Angels want you to embrace all the
different aspects you carry within and outside yourself. It's okay to standout and to be
different. Being comfortable with who you
are is part of you living your purpose. Express your creativity and your individuality through your career, your
words, your style, your love, etc.
You are Beautiful!
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
~Andrea~ <3