Thursday, April 3, 2014

"I Honor My Inner Child's Happiness."

When was the last time you...  
  • Painted?
  • Went down a Slide?
  • Played on the Swings?
  • Threw a Frisbee?
  • Played stick ball?
  • Watched the Wizard of Oz?
  • Ate out of the Cracker Jack Box?
  • Blew Bubbles?
  • Danced?
  • Rode a Bike?
  • Roller Skated?

Any and more of these activities are things you may have done as a child, and you can still do some of these today...whether with your own children or with your friends that are still just as young at heart as you are.

"I Honor My Inner Child's Happiness"  -  What does this affirmation mean for you?

Your Angels want you to remember to take time in your day, or somewhere in your schedule, to connect with your inner child.  Nurture the carefree - trusting -happiness that does still reside there, but needs to come out and play more.  When you recite this affirmation, you allow yourself to be open to joy and remind yourself, that your never too old to have fun.

What does connecting with your inner child do for you?

As an adult, life can be demanding--of your time and energy.  When you make the time to be creative, and do fun creative activities, you create enjoyable outlets that  release stress, tension & worry in life.  Doing so also helps you feel less irritable and more positive about how you see life.   And, it brings more family time to the table. 

So rediscover one of your inner child activities today  and make it part of your daily routine!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

~Andrea~ =)

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