Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"I'm Free To Choose The Best For My Well Being"

Sometimes you come to a fork in the road where you have to make significant choices.  Your angels want you to know that you never have to rush into making a choice just for the sake of making a choice.   
Your Angels want you to be aware, that during these situations, you aren't vulnerable  and that there are many options to choose from regarding your situation. 
What Does this Affirmation Help You?
Even when you think there aren't choices left...your Angels encourage you to see that there's still a chance for you to see that you do have the power within you, to yield the best possible outcome for you.  From this centered place, can you then proceed further with a clear mind, and with positive clarity.

How to Make Choices:

  • Make a choice based on what will bring you the most  happiness for yourself and those involved. 
  • Base your decision on what  best mirrors your intentions and your integrity. 
  • Sometimes the best choice is just to "Wait"--step back--let things "just be" until your mind is clear.
Additional Advice:

  • Take the time and go somewhere that enables you to have "you"- quiet - time alone, to pause and reflect and survey what is taking place right now. 
  • It's ok to seek advice from others, however at the end of the day, you have to make a choice that best suits you. 
  • Ask your Angels to also help give you clear, recognizable and regular signs that will guide and comfort you toward what needs to be done.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

~Andrea~ <3


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