Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Confusion is an Illusion

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to your weekly affirmation with your Guardian Angels.

Today, we will focus on how to decipher "confusion." 

There are times where we find ourselves at a crossroad.  We are uncertain of the choices we are suppose to make and we get lost and doubtful as to where we are in the decisions that will shape our lives.  Your angels want you to understand what it means when we feel confused and why it takes place.

"Confusion is an Illusion": 

When you start feeling confused its sometimes (based on the situation) a sign that you aren't being true to yourself.  Your not letting yourself reflect your honest intentions.  Your Angels feel that your letting too many outside influences persuade you into thinking there's no way out or you have no other choice, so you lean toward avenues that don't represent the core of who you truly are, thus leading you feeling confused as to where you are going.

How to Eliminate Confusion:

You have to soul search and remember who you are and what you value.  What are your initial true intentions you wanted to set out with.  Confusion is an illusion means, that you aren't truly lost, you just have to remember to remember what your honest intentions are.  Its a sign/reminder to help you get back on track with your authentic - true self.

Your Guardian Angles suggest that you release any old habits, ways of thinking or people from your life that is inauthentic to who you are--that veer you off your path.  Also, if something isn't working out in your life and doesn't flow easily, then its a sign that you must move on from it.  You must surrender and release your concerns to your Angels, and they will deliver your  situation either healed or in a new form than you anticipated.  Pray and meditate -- ask  your Angels to  light your path and send you signs/messages that you will understand in order to move forward.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

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