Slow and steady does win the race...
We get so caught up in what everyone else is doing in life that we feel we are behind in ours. Whether its worrying about not being married yet, having children, landing that job you wanted, etc., there seems to always be a checklist we are trying to cross off.
~I Am Where I Need To Be In This Exact Moment~
The truth is, we all have our own unique path designed/designated for our own success. We don't exactly know what is going on in someone else's life, the lessons/experiences they had to endure that brought them to where they are now. So is the same for you. You have a special journey that only you can embark upon that holds special meaning for you. I've been there plenty of times where I felt concerned as to why I wasn't where I needed to be based on others performances. However through time, I've learned that with patience & faith you'll get there.
There are a lot of factors that are involved with moving ahead in life. First, your willingness to move forward is definitely key. Doing the necessary action work along with thought planning is also crucial. The biggest part of working with time though, is understanding that everything is within divine timing. There may be other outside elements/people/resources that still need to align itself to you before things in your life can take shape. Again its all about being patient and having faith through this process.
~I Am Where I Need To Be In This Exact Moment~
This affirmation is a perfect reminder to take a deep breath, relax and rest assured that you are where you need to be right now. You are not behind nor less qualified or efficient than anyone else. All will be revealed in due time and there's no need to rush the process of what's to be for you in your life.
Remember to always do what you feel is right for you, not just what everyone else does. To compare yourself to someone else will only cheat yourself of your true potential. Everything will come to fruition in due time.
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
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