Monday, January 25, 2016

I Honor My True Intentions By Living My Words To The Fullest

Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards
What do you intend to do? What do you intend for your life?  Have you asked yourself these questions lately?  What do your responses sound like? --  "I intend to lose weight." "I intend to save more money." "I intend to find a new job."  What follows after your intentionsLet's look at an example-- you intend on getting your Real Estate license.  You feel it in your gut its what your supposed to do.  You have so much interest in homes and know the market, etc.  However, you do need a license.    You purchase all the books and classes etc., needed to get your license.  However, time passes and you haven't done any of the necessary work...your not studying.   Perhaps, you start to even second guess yourself.  What then happens as a result?  No license!  What is the moral here?  Just the desire of wanting to do something isn’t enough—you actually have to do what is required toward getting the job done in order for your goal to come to life fully.  

I Honor My True Intentions By Living My Words To The Fullest
      You can say you’re going to do something, but it’s an entirely different experience when you actually do it. Your thought plans must match your action plans.    It's crucial for your words to actually link to the tasks at hand.   Your angels want you to be mindful of what you actually intend.  There are those who say, "I pray and ask for what I want, but still see no results."  The question is, are you truly being honest with what your asking for and are you following the guidance your Angels are giving you regarding your goal?  Your intentions must be in a positive light as well for if they aren’t, you’ll only receive the opposite of what your looking for.  So its always important to be clear about what your intentions are.  What is the main/initial reason for doing something—what is the core factor.  When your honest with yourself about this, it enables you to rediscover who you are and what your true goals are and your then more aligned with your intention.

      So what does it take to set true intentions....

What makes your heart sing? What do you desire? What makes you truly joyful and feel energized? The benefits of taking this time to do self-evaluation, enables you to be honest with yourself and rediscover who you are and what your true goals are---your highest intentions.  It’s a chance to do things over and see if certain people, situations or your own habits need fine tuning.
Daily Guidance From The Angels Cards
Take this time to dig deep and be confident in what your desires reveal to you.  Write down any thoughts you have, make a list and set it in a positive tone that you are already accomplishing your goals.  An example of what not to write would be:  “I don’t want to be lazy and not have time to study for my masters.”  The more positive way to write a goal would be:  “I have plenty of time to study for my masters and I’m determined to see its completion.”   

This is also a great time to create a vision board as well of what you want, consisting of images pertaining to your goal, for example, a new car you want, or a house, etc.    When manifesting, if you feel your ego creeping in, whom fears you forging ahead in your life, and will try to distract you from living your purpose, just simply say “Thanks for sharing, not interested!”  Treat your ego like a telemarketer caller.  Your not interested in what your ego is selling to you!

Along your desired path of intention.... 
Daily Guidance From The Angels Cards
Your angels want you to pause and ask yourself,  “How am I doing?”  “Where am I on my journey?”  Is this what I really want?”  Are you answering these questions with the truth from your heart? 

When you have the truest intentions, don’t settle, and stick to your moral compass--for then you attract more of what you want in life.  

Its okay to have beliefs you stand by and ways of doing things—as long as it creates progress in your life and doesn’t hinder it.  Don’t stuff down your emotions in fears that someone else may not like your opinion.  As long as you express your thoughts in an assertive—loving way—you can’t go wrong. 

Your angels want you to let your authentic self shine!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,




Unknown said...

This is soo true Andrea. I always feel that your writing and posts are directly relevant to what goes on in my life. Its Completely synchronistic and I am soo grateful for you and your gifts !!

Unknown said...

This is soo true Andrea. I always feel that your writing and posts are directly relevant to what goes on in my life. Its Completely synchronistic and I am soo grateful for you and your gifts !!