Monday, March 28, 2016

Prayers For A Better Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share with you a new weekly post that I will have on my Facebook and Twitter pages, in addition to my other weekly posts.  (Please see my pages below) It's called, Prayers For a Better Tomorrow

Due to all the violence and other activities throughout our planet lately, I want to start posting a weekly prayer chain that I channeled, that will spark balance throughout our planet, promoting peace and safety to all.  At the beginning of each week you can help share this prayer by posting it to your wall, etc.

Praying only when something horrific in this world occurs is not enough--it needs to be a daily routine. Just like we pray for the security of our loved ones, so we must pray for the world. Please help me spread this prayer below and promote a better tomorrow for us all. We can't give up on the home we live in.

 Prayers For a Better Tomorrow

My angels, please watch over our planet & every inhabitant: humans of every culture, wildlife and plant life. Please keep everyone secure, loved and provided for. Please watch over those who live in areas where their safety is threatened daily, and those who live in natural disaster areas. Please help all those affected, find peace, closure and the strength to rebuild their lives and their faith during and after tragedy strikes. Please help us all become physically, emotional and mentally ready to forge ahead to be the change we want to see in this world. Please help motivate us to find ways to bring serenity and sanity back into this world. Please help us to be patient with others and with ourselves. Please help us to still see the beautiful thread that runs deep throughout on this planet.  Thank you for your faith in us and all the good that we are capable of creating in this world. 

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,



Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My First Book Release

Hello Everyone!

I'm very pleased to announce the release of my first book--as promised with all the details!

Four years ago, an intuitive idea blossomed inside me.  It was the simplest, sweetest, strongest awareness. Without hesitation I immediately composed an outline detailing every component.    I can still see myself sitting at that desk, confidently knowing what I wanted to write and what each chapter of my book would reveal.  There was zero doubt as if the book was already written.  

The result of answering this call from within, is my first book, “Messages From My Grandparents... In Heaven: How You Can Keep Contact With Yours.” This nonfiction book offers a narrative on coping and healing after the loss of a grandparent, as well as how I’m able to recognize and maintain a connection with my departed loved ones.  It’s a motivational, self-help and spiritual healing book that also encompasses the guidance of guardian angels and mending grieving hearts.

From the first day of my outline, leading to the present, the journey of being a writer has been full of anticipation, hope, research, more reading, writers block, "overwhelment," financial stress, “slight" worry/panic, files almost lost/deleted, middle of the night revisions, typing outside midst the summer air, back and forth editor and design approvals, exhilaration, peacefulness, joy, completeness, blessings, and the opportunity to reconnect with my grandparents--my guardian angels. 

Also along this passage were those (you know who you are) close to the contribution of this book, whether in support or material, and a talented artist's enchanting brush strokes, Joseph Bartolotta. 
Trusting in my angels’ messages and confirmations, has reawakened my life purpose.   

I'm ecstatic to announce that my book--a piece of literature that I've worked toward for so long, is finally accessible to be experienced in the hands who wish to venture its pages... 

My book is available in either soft cover, hard cover or e-book format from the following links below:

My publishing company
Balboa Press: 


Whatever idea/goal/desire/dream you have, answer the call--you will see it through!  No matter how long it takes, regardless of the unanswered how's and when's--the will fuels the fire that burns within!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort to you all always,

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

All My Efforts And Hard Work Have Brought Me Success

Hello Everyone, hope you are all having a productive and fruitful week.

It's a warmer-than-normal day here in the month of March  in Manhattan, New York.  As I walked outside today, I felt inspired by the playful sun and gentle breeze, to connect with nature for this week's blog message.  Spring is definitely upon us here and I can already feel its beautiful rewards.

The deck I chose to channel  today's message is from Archangel Power Tarot Oracle Cards.  I felt this deck would showcase the nature vibe I was feeling earlier.  Angel Tarot is very gentle and direct at the same time, in delivering loving guidance to all who seek it.  It has  themes of Tarot, but is more angel based, making the messages received, comforting yet informative.  The card  I  intuitively selected today was Nine of Ariel which perfectly matched what I have been feeling in the air--and for those who have had angel readings with me know--there are no coincidences---every message is revealed exactly at the right time.

Nine of Ariel is part of the Minor Arcana of this deck, representing your day-to-day - daily activities. In angel numbers, nine  signifies how you want to see your life---through optimistic or pessimistic eyes.  Archangel Ariel symbolizes the purity of nature and the ability to manifest. This card no doubt--is full of uplifting energies-- meant to elevate your mood and ties into today's affirmation.....

~All My Efforts And Hard Work Have Brought Me Success~

Your angels acknowledge all of the hard work, preparation, research, money spent, countless hours, sweat and tears, setbacks, challenges, opportunities, transformations, choices that you have experienced pertaining to your goal and dream.  Through all this--the message this week for you is that all of your efforts no matter big or small---have completely paid off! Your dream -- your life purpose is coming true for you! This is such a new and pure time--what you have reaped--you will now sow---just like in nature.  All that you have manifested through vision boards, affirmations and meditations, etc., will now become a reality.  Your patience and dedication to being true to your inner moral compass and living your true intention will now show itself in the life you've wanted.  Divine timing is going to meet up with all that you have prepared for--what you have worked so hard on.  The success will not only be financial--but rewards of happiness, peacefulness, security and freedom. You will comfortably be able to enjoy the benefits of quiet time--"you time."

I feel this week's Aerobic Affirmation's message brings confirmation to us all that have been searching for it for the longest time regarding our goals.  It shows that when you work diligently and positively toward something--no matter what it is--you will see successful results that ultimately you have deserved and rightfully earned!

I hope this message gives you an extra pep in your step, a smile in your heart and the confirmation you need--that all that you have aspired to--is for a very important, valuable reason! 

Enjoy your week my friends!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Angelic Solar Eclipse~New Moon Reading

Hello Everyone,

This week--preferably March 8th--9th, parts of the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia will experience a solar eclipse in conjunction with the new moon phase.  A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth--fully or partially blocking the sun.  This year's solar eclipse will do something rather extraordinary; it's finale will come a day before it commences.  The moon's shadow will first spread over parts of the Pacific on Wednesday, March 9th in the morning local time,
 and then cross the international area
and appear visible on Tuesday in the afternoon on March 8th.  

The energy of the solar eclipse delivers illuminated paths in various areas of your life, that start to click instantly.  You may notice that you have more clarity regarding your life purpose and more insights revealing itself--more than before. 

The new moon is a time for manifesting, being creative and letting your authentic self thrive.  Embrace and envision the life you want and the elements within in it.  What are your true intentions? Don't hold back in creating and being the new you and the best version of you.

Angelic Solar Eclipse~New Moon Reading

The card I intuitively selected was "White" from Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue's Angel Dream Oracle Cards.  In Angel Readings, there are no coincidences for as this card's meaning is exactly in correlation to the solar eclipse energy above.  This card speaks of enlightenment.  Your angels want you to know that now more than ever, your going to receive downloaded information and awareness from God and your angels that you are connected to them--the infinite supply of source--having the power already within you to do great things.  As you harness this energy and understanding, you will go through transformations that will bring about the "newness" that you are seeking.  During meditation, envision white light surrounding you, representing purity and blessed energy that will nurture your time of spiritual growth and living a life of purpose.  Pray to your angels to help you be open and willing to receive what is coming through to you.  You are never with lack, but rather full of infinite abundance and possibilities.  Take every opportunity to explore all...

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Angelic Monthly Guidance for March

Hello Everyone,

This monthly post reveals the current month's energy and how you can better prepare/plan toward your goal(s) during this time.

Thomas Kinkade art
We are now in the third month of the year.  "3" representing creativity, growth and the change within.  For the first day of this month "1" representing new beginnings--where each thought you give birth to, shapes your reality.  So especially today, pay attention to what your thinking or saying regarding yourself or your plans--as each word or emotion determines how successful you are at aligning yourself to your purpose.  Give any fears you have to your angels as they are patiently awaiting to help you live a more abundant life-- in every area of your life. 

For March's message from your angels: I drew the Nine of Fire card from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. 

This card broken down: Nine in angel tarot represents that you have done all the necessary work needed to proceed with your goal.  You no longer need prerequisites.  You are more than qualified to set out on your path.  Stop procrastinating and move forward fearlessly with the next step.  This card is part of the minor section of angel tarot cards signifying day-to-day elements of your life.  Fire represents your passions, desires, dreams and setting them to action.

Thomas Kinkade art
As a whole, your angels' message for this month encourages you to stay on track with your plans regarding any area of your life.  Stay true to your intentions and don't stray from what you have decided to do. Don't let all those efforts go to waste despite what outside influences try to make you see otherwise! Defend what is your creation and know that you are deserving of having it! There is a way to to get to the finish line.  It may take extra steps, but you will get there.  Have the confidence, faith, courage and belief that what you are doing is meant for you and is not coincidence.  Don't stop now as you have come so far already
and all your efforts will be rewarded
in ways you can't even imagine! 
There is so much more to accomplish --
don't you want to see what's  in store for you?

Pray to your angels to help you continue to have strength, motivation and focus toward the necessary action steps to forge ahead.  Ask your angels to help block those feelings that prevent you from reaching your goal such as worry, fear, doubt, guilt, anger, overwhelment,  etc. These lower emotions will only drain and prevent your mood and stamina from being elevated.  Also ask your angles to help you be flexible and open-minded toward new perspectives that will enable you to approach situations with more ease and flow.

Thomas Kinkade art

Let's help support each other here on this blog page and discuss ways we can stay motivated on our chosen paths.

I look forward to connecting with you all and reading/commenting on your posts here.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always