Monday, March 28, 2016

Prayers For A Better Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share with you a new weekly post that I will have on my Facebook and Twitter pages, in addition to my other weekly posts.  (Please see my pages below) It's called, Prayers For a Better Tomorrow

Due to all the violence and other activities throughout our planet lately, I want to start posting a weekly prayer chain that I channeled, that will spark balance throughout our planet, promoting peace and safety to all.  At the beginning of each week you can help share this prayer by posting it to your wall, etc.

Praying only when something horrific in this world occurs is not enough--it needs to be a daily routine. Just like we pray for the security of our loved ones, so we must pray for the world. Please help me spread this prayer below and promote a better tomorrow for us all. We can't give up on the home we live in.

 Prayers For a Better Tomorrow

My angels, please watch over our planet & every inhabitant: humans of every culture, wildlife and plant life. Please keep everyone secure, loved and provided for. Please watch over those who live in areas where their safety is threatened daily, and those who live in natural disaster areas. Please help all those affected, find peace, closure and the strength to rebuild their lives and their faith during and after tragedy strikes. Please help us all become physically, emotional and mentally ready to forge ahead to be the change we want to see in this world. Please help motivate us to find ways to bring serenity and sanity back into this world. Please help us to be patient with others and with ourselves. Please help us to still see the beautiful thread that runs deep throughout on this planet.  Thank you for your faith in us and all the good that we are capable of creating in this world. 

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,



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