This monthly post reveals the current month's energy and how you can better prepare/plan toward your goal(s) during this time.
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For March's message from your angels: I drew the Nine of Fire card from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.
This card broken down: Nine in angel tarot represents that you have done all the necessary work needed to proceed with your goal. You no longer need prerequisites. You are more than qualified to set out on your path. Stop procrastinating and move forward fearlessly with the next step. This card is part of the minor section of angel tarot cards signifying day-to-day elements of your life. Fire represents your passions, desires, dreams and setting them to action.
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and all your efforts will be rewarded
in ways you can't even imagine!
There is so much more to accomplish --
don't you want to see what's in store for you?
Pray to your angels to help you continue to have strength, motivation and focus toward the necessary action steps to forge ahead. Ask your angels to help block those feelings that prevent you from reaching your goal such as worry, fear, doubt, guilt, anger, overwhelment, etc. These lower emotions will only drain and prevent your mood and stamina from being elevated. Also ask your angles to help you be flexible and open-minded toward new perspectives that will enable you to approach situations with more ease and flow.
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Let's help support each other here on this blog page and discuss ways we can stay motivated on our chosen paths.
I look forward to connecting with you all and reading/commenting on your posts here.
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always
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