It's a warmer-than-normal day here in the month of March in Manhattan, New York. As I walked outside today, I felt inspired by the playful sun and gentle breeze, to connect with nature for this week's blog message. Spring is definitely upon us here and I can already feel its beautiful rewards.
The deck I chose to channel today's message is from Archangel Power Tarot Oracle Cards. I felt this deck would showcase the nature vibe I was feeling earlier. Angel Tarot is very gentle and direct at the same time, in delivering loving guidance to all who seek it. It has themes of Tarot, but is more angel based, making the messages received, comforting yet informative. The card I intuitively selected today was Nine of Ariel which perfectly matched what I have been feeling in the air--and for those who have had angel readings with me know--there are no coincidences---every message is revealed exactly at the right time.
Nine of Ariel is part of the Minor Arcana of this deck, representing your day-to-day - daily activities. In angel numbers, nine signifies how you want to see your life---through optimistic or pessimistic eyes. Archangel Ariel symbolizes the purity of nature and the ability to manifest. This card no doubt--is full of uplifting energies-- meant to elevate your mood and ties into today's affirmation.....
~All My Efforts And Hard Work Have Brought Me Success~
Your angels acknowledge all of the hard work, preparation, research, money spent, countless hours, sweat and tears, setbacks, challenges, opportunities, transformations, choices that you have experienced pertaining to your goal and dream. Through all this--the message this week for you is that all of your efforts no matter big or small---have completely paid off! Your dream -- your life purpose is coming true for you! This is such a new and pure time--what you have reaped--you will now sow---just like in nature. All that you have manifested through vision boards, affirmations and meditations, etc., will now become a reality. Your patience and dedication to being true to your inner moral compass and living your true intention will now show itself in the life you've wanted. Divine timing is going to meet up with all that you have prepared for--what you have worked so hard on. The success will not only be financial--but rewards of happiness, peacefulness, security and freedom. You will comfortably be able to enjoy the benefits of quiet time--"you time."
I feel this week's Aerobic Affirmation's message brings confirmation to us all that have been searching for it for the longest time regarding our goals. It shows that when you work diligently and positively toward something--no matter what it is--you will see successful results that ultimately you have deserved and rightfully earned!
I hope this message gives you an extra pep in your step, a smile in your heart and the confirmation you need--that all that you have aspired to--is for a very important, valuable reason!
Enjoy your week my friends!
Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always
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