Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Angelic Energy Message

Hello Everyone,

Image from artist Nadia Strelkina
Another new year is upon us.  I'm sure a lot of you are winding down from the holidays---all the gift giving and family/friend visiting.  Its rest you now seek.  Is there someone though you've forgotten to give a gift to? Someone you didn't remember to visit?  Can't seem to figure out who? I'll give you a hint....look in the mirror, and you'll see that special someone is...YOU!

Now is the time to sit back and decide what gifts--new life experiences you can give yourself for 2016.  Now is the time to revisit/review areas of your life that no longer suit you so you can make way for the freshness of  what awaits you in the new year.  Even if your not sure what you desire for your life, just merely praying to your angels' for guidance, will ignite the positive, intuitive flow within you.  Ask your angels to send you distinct, consistent and familiar signs along your path for 2016.

2016 Universal Energy Message:

First, let's break down "2016" and find the Universal number for this year.
When adding 2+0+1+6 you receive = "9"

In angel numbers, "9" represents the completion of things, an ending.  Yes, we are ending a  year, but ending here means that you've completed a part of your journey that allows you to go to the next phase, next step along your path.  Your now ready---qualified to do what's now necessary.  "9" also means how you want to view things in your life--be it a optimistic view or a pessimistic one.  This sets the tone for what you'll experience.  What you emanate, you will receive.  Your thoughts shape your destiny!

I channeled 2016's Energy Message using Angel Tarot oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  These cards use the themes of tarot, but weave angel based messages throughout, making tarot more friendly, inviting, and comforting. (Angel Tarot gives you the same trustworthy guidance and advice as all other angel decks, helping you see the power you already have within you.)

2016's Energy Message is Nine of  Fire:  There are no coincidences in life--everything happens for a special reason--so with this--the universal year of "9" and 2016's energy message here are the same--you can see there's an important message our angels definitely want to relay to us all.  

In Angel Tarot, Fire cards in the Minor section of this deck, mean plan of action, your passions, goals in life...putting all your thoughts and planning to good use regarding your passions/dreams.  All that you have planned, researched, worked toward as come to a crucial point--an ending so to bring you to the creation phase-- and at this point, it is imperative that you keep moving forward fearlessly.  

Don't cease your efforts to go on to the next step along your journey.  Your abilities/strengths are real. All that you are encompasses your life purpose.   Defend/protect what you have worked hard toward by not giving up! See your projects/goals through.  Your goals pertain to your own unique path, no one else.  Don't feel the need to change anything to mirror someone else.

Image from artist Nadia Strelkina
If divine timing is the next step--allowing outside forces--other resources, people to enter your life regarding your goal--these things that are out of your control--you must have faith with this--courage and confidence in yourself and the process that this is what needs to be done next.  Your intuitive will never steer you wrong---having an open mind to other possibilities are the key ingredients to breathing life into your manifestations.  Pray to your angels to give you motivation, strength, and the confidence to see it all through. 

Next week's post I will discuss how our angels' want us to view resolutions and how to revamp its meaning.

The energy of 2016 shows you that all your hard work and dedication brings you to new places and the reality of whatever your trying to accomplish.  Your very close to reaching this part of your life---don't settle for anything less!

A Happy, Healthy & Harmonious 2016 to you all!

Guidance, Inspiration and Comfort always,

Monday, December 21, 2015

Seasonal Comfort Message ~ Winter Solstice ~ "Intention"

Seasonal Comfort Message for Winter Solstice:


This seasonal post describes the current season’s energy; how it affects you and ways to prepare for your life purpose.

What a perfect card to receive for winter as we are nearing the close of 2015. Our angels’ message simply asks, What are your intentions? Where do you see yourself in your life? What are your future plans? These are always questions you wrestle with when a new year begins.

The secret to answering all of these, is to be honest with yourself. What do you truly intend to accomplish? Each decision you make shapes your experiences in life. You must match your thoughts (intentions) with your action plans. For example, if you wish to be a published writer by next year, then you have to actually write the book. You can’t sit back and expect the book to write itself. You have to do the research, character development, outlining, drafting, etc. And sometimes allow and accept/trust divine timing to take its course when needed. Saying your going to do something and actually doing it are two different things and bring you very different results—one being just a dream and the other, a reality.

Winter known as hibernation time for some woodland animals is reflective of what winter is for us. During the first few months of winter is self-inventory time; discovering what work needs to be done, gathering your resources, and making decisions. You are generating your strength and knowledge and putting it toward the grounding of your dream. Remember intention simply means that you have a set accomplishment that you intend to achieve and see it through. When you breathe life daily into your goal, the more momentum you have to complete it.  This doesn’t have to be just toward big term goals—but short term—every day goals as well.

No matter what you intend to focus on in life, nurture your thoughts and actions with love, patience and positive outlooks. Focusing on lack, the how’s and the why’s will only attract you to more of what you don’t want and detouring you from your intentions. Once you make a decision, the rest will follow.

Set up vision boards or affirmation boards to help you see and feel the energy of what you want to create. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals that will buoy your faith and confidence, and truly have their best intentions and heart for you. It’s okay to ask for help especially if its someone who has expertise in the area your trying pursue.

Ask your angels to help you replace fear and doubt with more inspirational and motivating thoughts. You aren’t taking them away from helping others as they are around all of us 24/7.

I feel 2016 has “the opening of new doors” energy, and I know that we all can walk through those doors courageously, if your willing to surrender and release your concerns to your angels.
In January, stay tuned for my post of your angels’ message for the new year.
(Card drawn from Healing with the Angels oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.)

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Thursday, December 17, 2015

I Am Mentally, Phsycially & Emotionally Healthy

Hello Everyone,  hope you all had a productive and fruitful time last week.  I'm back from vacation and will post pics from my trip soon.  Sorry my post for this week is late---had to play catch-up with some items.  

For this weeks blog, I felt compelled to discuss "health" and I also felt intuitively guided to channel your angels' messages through oracle cards this time. 

Health can range anywhere from your mental, physical and emotional parts of self.  Health doesn't always have to be what physically ails you such as a broken leg for example or heart disease.  Health can involve how your keeping a positive outlook on life (mental) and who you allow in your world that doesn't drain your energy, (emotional). (When reading your angels messages below, you'll know which area your angels are speaking to you about.)

There are six main messages your Angels want you to focus on regarding your health.  What's interesting but not coincidental, is that in angel numbers, "6" means how well you move forward in life--how you're capable in solving problems and what breakthroughs or enlightened moments you learn from. This is what your angels' want you to connect to as well.

Painting by Nadia Strelkina

1. Don't Procrastinate!

You already know in your heart what changes you wish to make regarding your health.  Its either something you've noticed yourself or others have mentioned to you.  All in all its for your best quality of life.  Know that your angels give you this guidance out of love and that you are intuitively connecting with it.  Don't delay in taking the first step toward living a healthier life.  It may seem overwhelming at first, but its all in how you approach what needs to be done.  Tackle your to-do list day by day and your angels will guide you toward your next step.  When you decide to move forward, the Universe can only move you in that direction.

2. Blessings in Disguise:

You may have just come to a realization about your health that might leave you feeling lost and discouraged.  Your angels though, can show you that this part of your life is bringing blessings to you instead; its a chance to see an inner strength you ignored to see and/or didn't believe.  Ask your angels to guide you during your transitioning--healing period and to release your fears of the unknown.  Happiness is on the way for you.  Surround yourself with those who have experienced your emotions and have the best intentions at heart for you to lead you from destructive ways.

3. Consider Other Avenues:

It's always best to keep your options open and explore/research other alternatives especially holistic care if it pertains to certain ailing elements of your health.  There's no need to rush into something without taking the proper time to look into valuable information. Your angels remind you that money will always present itself to you--you are not with lack-- so have faith in being able to acquire the care you need.  Also, weigh pros and cons regarding relationships that might cause stress.  This is a time to learn more about yourself, your worth and what you truly deserve.

4. There's No Need to Worry:

Your healing might involve a loved one who has passed away and it is weighing heavy on your heart.  Your angels want you to know that those you may have lost are now healing and do not feel pain anymore.  They're in a peaceful place where they can still be with you and connect with you on a whole new level.  Their life purpose involved even the moment of their passing as a fulfillment of their time here on earth. You may even worry that their health conditions might be the same as yours. Your angels don't want you to focus on the negative side of this, but rather follow their guidance for number three above, as to research further on how you can become healthier without stressing yourself.

5.   Its Time to be Selfish--In a Good Way:

The same nurturing, vigilant care you give to others--now you must bestow upon yourself.  Take time for "you."   Its okay to say no to bad habits that involve others or saying no to occasions that take you away from the peace and quiet you seek from time-to-time.  You need to get your energy back and rejuvenate your well being.  The more centered and grounded you are, the better you are to proceed with what needs to be done in your life.

6. Never Compromise Your Happiness:

Your angels remind you that you deserve peace and happiness.  There's no need to struggle.  Your angels are just a thought/prayer away and they can lighten your path toward better opportunities for you.  Don't settle for anything less than your worth.  Live for a better today, tomorrow.  Don't take short cuts on life...your too valuable for that!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
Andrea <3 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Messages for The Week of Dec 7th --Dec 13th

Hello Everyone!

Hope your weekend is fantastic & productive. I will be remote next week & will have no computer access--so I wanted to relay your Guardian Angels' messages for you regarding the energy to focus on for next week.

For the beginning of the week: Monday/Tuesday:

"See Only Love" -- This card holds a dual meaning. First, in light of recent events in California, there are those that perhaps feel hopeless, afraid, angry--whether they live in that area or not. God & and your Angels want you to not loose faith. They want you to still see that there is love in this world. This can be very hard since this country and others around the world have seen so much loss, but I feel that if we collectively pray and do so consistently-- and ask "What do we need to do to bring peace back into this world," we will find the answer. This card also suggests a situation more closer to home--relationships. If you recently had an argument with someone your Angels urge you to not loose who you are in this situation. No matter what transpires, don't loose the love inside of you--don't change who you are because of what has been done to you. See only love and be only the love that truly is inside you.

Middle of the Week: Wednesday/Thursday: 

"What Do You Desire?" --This is one of my favorite cards in this deck. The imagery alone prompts you to be creative! So what is that your heart wants? This can pertain to anything in your life. What makes your heart truly sing? Some self discovery either through prayer/mediation will show you that this is the time--this is the opportunity for you to tap into your purpose. This card also relates to the world problems at hand that I mentioned in your message for the beginning of the week. You might find your answer in what can bring peace to this world. Take this time to seize the moment and make a difference! Like the image of this card, paint a better picture of what this world can be.

End of the Week: Friday through Sunday: 

"There's Nothing to Worry About" -- I absolutely love that this is the card that wraps up the weekend---it doesn't get any more comforting than this. Anything that has been weighing heavily on your mind--whether its world events or personal concerns, your Angels' want you to know that they literally "have your back." Surrender & Release all your fears, doubts, worries and let your team of Guardian Angels see fit to what needs to be done. You are safe, protected and always provided for--don't let anyone or anything let you think otherwise! Only use this time to nurture your thoughts in a loving manner and see only the highest possible good in every area of your life!

If you would like more messages to read while I'm remote, please feel free to look through my blog and read past posts I've left here---its full of tons of affirmations that even though have already been posted--can still supply the right messages you need today.

Wishing you a beautiful, loving & fruitful week!

(Cards drawn from Daily Guidance from Your Angels oracle cards by Doreen Virtue)

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Message from Your Guardian Angels

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a beautiful and comforting Thanksgiving.  I wanted to share a Thanksgiving message from your Guardian Angels. Even though this holiday has passed, the beauty about your Angels' messages is that no matter what time of year or type of situation your going through, their constant messages can always be applied to your life.

When I channeled their messages from a nature deck, one card popped right out of the deck before the initial card I wanted to select. So you have two special messages coming your way & this isn't a coincidence...everything happens for a reason!

First message from your Angels is "Make Music." I love this card as this suggests to connect with what makes your heart sing...what or who brings you the most happiness. When you realize this, your then sharing this joy to the world. This card also reminds you that music is very healing to the soul. With the upcoming holidays, certain songs will definitely put you in the spirit & elevate your mood.

Second card is "Honoring Your True Feelings." I love how both these cards correlate with one another. When you allow your mood to elevate more freely with music (releasing stress) your more inclined to be more yourself. Your Angels want you to feel comfortable in knowing it's safe for you to be yourself. Your unique qualities & abilities are a blessing not only to you but the world. It's safe to be assertive as long as its in a loving matter. Speak your truth & let your purpose thrive! Be confident in knowing that the intuitive feelings you're receiving are true & are guiding you successfully along your path. Your are indeed receiving answers to your prayers!

(Card selected from Healing with the Fairies Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue)

Guidance, Inspiration, & Comfort always,

 Andrea <3

Monday, November 23, 2015

Angel Reading Party in OC Maryland

Had a fabulous, fruitful, & fun--filled weekend connecting with new & familiar--friendly faces for a weekend-long Angel Reading Party in OC Maryland.

A tremendous thank you again to Danelle from the Beach Walk Hotel for enabling me to gather with such wonderful people. <3  I'm truly blessed to have met those who were willing & open to receiving their Angel's guidance. I was also so honored to be in the presence of those familiar faces from last year, who have made... such great progress this year with their given, inspired guidance. Definitely warmed my heart! <3

I thank God & my Angels always for motivating me to embrace my gifts & be able to channel & relay all their comforting messages to those who seek clarity & inner peace. .

Andrea <3


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Your Never Alone in Prayer

Hello Everyone,

In light of  recent events that have transpired in Paris, I wanted  to channel for you today, your Angels' messages on what you need to focus on in order to cope/begin healing through the next few days, weeks, and months to follow. Today's blog post though is not just for those in Paris, but applies toward all countries who have seen the face of violence.

No matter what corner of the world you live in, these shocking attacks deeply impact you in some way.  Some of us in these parts of the world,  share the common thread of being taken advantage of, feeling vulnerable and being ripped from normalcy, as these types of attacks often try to do.    Now more than ever though, we have to turn our fear into strength and come together as one. 

How do we do this?

Before composing today's post, I thought for a while on what to discuss. I was intuitively guided to discuss "prayer" and in doing so, I wanted to further channel our Angels' comforting words by connecting with them through Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot cards.  I felt compelled to use this deck which is Angel based because it always expresses clear and direct messages that are so needed right now....

Your Never Alone in Prayer:

I intuitively drew "Unity" represented by Archangel Sandalphon, and what better card to receive right now than this!  In Angel Tarot, this card is part of the Major Arcana which represents major/life altering changes occurring.  The number Five in Angel numbers displayed on this card, also represents change or challenges, but that which offers the opportunity for growth. And here's where there are no coincidences as everything is all connected--Archangel Sandalphon is the Archangel whom delivers your prayers to God and your Angels.  

Your Angels acknowledge right now how your feeling or even the numbness that perhaps has taken over because of these attacks in Paris and in other locations around the world.  It triggers your own memories perhaps of what has happened in your own country or it awakens a new emotion that you've never felt before.  

***Our world is embarking on a major shift and this shift is rapidly bringing us all together to cast light where there was once darkness.***

Your Angels' encourage you to not give up on the power of prayer during this time.  Prayers are the ripple effect that we need.  When you pray you ignite the fire within to bring change.  When you pray, others join in and where there was once one voice, now  becomes millions.  Some may think its pointless to pray and that it leads to no concrete action, but it does.  When you pray, you are not alone.  You gather an army--a peaceful army of your Angels and Archangels that are at the ready to guide your hand, tongue and thoughts with the power of intention and integrity. They help you yield the will to make this world quite possibly a better place.
It's time for you to have faith in others again.  Ask your Angels to rebuild your trust toward mankind and unite with those who also seek peace.  

I want to close with two thoughts that will further help us all on the road to unity....first with a song.  I'm currently taking a class with the beautifully gifted International Psychic-Medium, Melissa Cubillas.  Upon each class, she lets us all hear a song that is set to empower us.  I want to share a song here that I feel will also do the same for you during these times we face---its called Oceans by Hillsong United.  (Make sure to listen to the version that is approx 9 mins long.)  This song you'll find will connect with you in various ways and packs many meanings. As for me, it's that of connecting with God and the Angels--of simpler times of a drama free life--remembering where we all came from and what we are all part of--the bigger picture -- nothing matters but love --- and that we are never alone.

Finally I close with this quote from Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire--though this book/movie is fantasy--it still portrays truth to our reality...

"Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, and, reminds us, that though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one." 


(Before I hit "publish" for this post the time was "5:55" which in Angel Numbers means:  Tremendous changes are occurring--to keep these changes on a positive note--maintain your thoughts in the highest intention and continue to pray and affirm the positive!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
Andrea <3

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Holiday Vendor Fair - November, 14th 2015

Hello Everyone,

I'm very excited to be attending today -- the Oakwood Heights Community Church Holiday Vendor Fair in Staten Island, New York -- from 10am--3pm.

If your in the area, definitely stop on by where I will be showcasing the beauty of Angel Readings and the types of readings I conduct. I have lots of materials too that I will be handing out for you to take home and review.

Also, receive a free gift with your $10.00 One-Card Reading today! 

I look forward to connecting with you all!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always!

Andrea <3

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wishes Do Come True!

Hello Everyone,

Before I start this week's blog entry, I wanted to take care of some house cleaning items first --
Just wanted to say my apologies for the late posting to my blog this week.  I've been conducting readings during the week and I've been excitedly preparing to attend a vending fair in the Staten Island area to showcase Angel Readings.  If your in the area definitely stop by this Saturday.  I will give further details tomorrow. =)

Now let's get to this week's Aerobic Affirmations message:

"Wishes Do Come True!"

Yesterday was November 11th or 11/11 and this number sequence holds very special energies for you, but not just for this day, so you didn't quite miss it.  Whenever you see this number combination you can still take advantage of its meaning...

Whenever you see 11/11 it reminds you  to pause for a moment and make a wish that is dear to your heart.  What is it that your hoping for, yearning, desiring? Put it out into the Universe and ask your Angels for assistance in whatever your wishing for. This can range from any area of your life including your life purpose.   Like wishing on a shooting star or the first star you see at night, this number sequence enables you to remember what your goals are and to take the opportunity to feed it nurturing, positive, loving thoughts.  

Your goals are manifesting as we speak so how you direct them is crucial in how you go about your day.  Continue to keep your faith strong and let negativity fall to the side.  You can do so by praying to your Angels and especially Archangel Michael (whom is the Archangel of Protection, Confidence, Security), to help you cut any cords of lower energies that prevent you from thinking positively.  Pray to Archangel Michael to help you eliminate old thought patterns or ways of thinking that block you from obtaining what your trying to attract in your life.

Please remember, any fears you focus on for long periods of time, that will manifest.  Any productive thoughts you think of, that will manifest.  Choose wisely what you put into your life for that maps out your future.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Monday, November 2, 2015

Monthly Guidance Message for November....

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

For those who don't have Facebook or Twitter, I will post here for this week's blog, my Monthly Message for November.  Also, if your on Instagram, I've finally joined the community: Hope to connect with you there as well.

Enjoy this months message below:

Monthly Guidance for November: "Support"

This monthly post supplies direction on what the current month's energy means for you and how to plan toward your goals.

As we move into November, which I feel truly represents the heart of Autumn, we connect more with the harvest or being aware that we truly are abundant in all ways. I felt drawn to use the Life Purpose oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue (shown below)  as this deck is geared toward connecting with what you are meant to be and share ...with the world.

The Angels bring you the message of Support for November confirming that if you've been considering or in the process of changing your careers (working toward your life purpose), you are more than supported in all areas of your life to do so.

You will not be without lack making changes that will improve your life and well being. Even if you have just made the switch in careers or have transitioned into a new healthier lifestyle, your Angels want you to know that you shouldn't feel doubt toward your decision, since you have heard correctly the call from your intuition to proceed.

As long as you stay committed to positive affirmations, action plans and align yourself with your integrity & honest intentions and allow divine timing to flow naturally, than your life purpose, no matter what it is, will flourish.

Remember when you ask your Angels for guidance and support they can be ever more present in your life. Think of them as your ultimate business partners, career counselors knowing exactly how to guide you along your path for they see all your potential and they want to help you see it too. The have the best intentions for you and will shed light with every step you take.
Embrace this month for all its bounty it has to offer for you, which goes beyond material gain, but emotional comfort as well.

(If you would like a more detailed Angel Reading, please inquire & I will arrange an appointment.)

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Monday, October 26, 2015

Self Worth Unlocks My Freedom

"I can't!"
"I don't know how."
"I don't have a choice."
"There's no way out."
"It's impossible!"
"It's never going to happen."
"Why would it happen to me?"
"I don't have the luck"
"I'm not qualified."

Self Worth Unlocks My Freedom

How do you feel when you read these lines above? Do you feel Invigorated? Comforted? Determined?  Would you say that any of these statements empower you to help others?  The answer should definitely be, "NO!"

When you affirm any of these phrases or others with negative undertones, you are setting the pace to limit yourself to what could be for you.  You're predetermining that nothing good you ask for in life will come your way.  You are essentially making yourself a prisoner in your own life.  The ball and chain of lack and self doubt will only pull you further down into.

How you gain freedom within your life purpose:

  • Knowing what your truly worth. What uniqueness do you bring to the table?  Your integrity, morals, opinions matter.    
  • Knowing that you do have the capability to make choices in life. You aren't "stuck." You aren't vulnerable to what may not be working at the moment.  Be optimistic.  Glass is half full.  
  • What you don't know much of, you can always learn.  Your experiences make you wiser, stronger.  The power of being adaptable and flexible helps you move mountains.
Below are sample cards that I use while conducting Angel Readings. I feel these card images might help you realize that you are not a victim in your life, but rather someone who does have the freedom to truly live with a bursting sense of self esteem. Each card has a positive affirmation/prayer/saying and healing property that enables you to truly see the clarity you are seeking.

 (Cards shown below are from various oracle decks by Doreen Virtue.)

Monday, October 19, 2015

It's Safe to Forgive

Image from Doreen Virtue Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards

Forgiveness for some, is one of the hardest acts to perform.  When situations arise between two people or in a group setting, the tension can sometimes be so thick that there seems to be no way out for a resolution.  In order to willingly forgive what has transpired , one must understand fully what it means to forgive.

How to Forgive -
Forgiveness comes in many forms:

Image from Doreen Virtue Romance Angel Oracle Cards
Release Guilt and Forgive Yourself:   First and foremost forgiveness at times starts with you.  Sometimes in an argument  the other person saying not so positive things, isn't the only person who might need to apologize.  You might have said things too that weren't of the best intentions.  Forgiveness here starts when you realize that at the time, you had to the best of your knowledge, whatever info you thought that brought you to the point of your actions.  Perhaps you misunderstood what the other person was saying or doing, and your reaction to it followed. To hold onto this guilt doesn't heal your heart at all.  Where it is needed, apologizing for your actions helps to release the guilt and enables you to forgive yourself for what you weren't aware of before.  You learn from the lessons life provides for your own personal spiritual growth and that is when your own personal healing begins.

Release Anger and Forgive Others:

If someone has done something to you that didn't express the best intentions at heart for you, its safe to forgive.  Forgiveness here means that you no longer what to hold on to the negative energy of what happened between you and the other person. It doesn't justify what the other person has done, their actions, but it means that you want to free yourself of the lower emotions from the situation.  Release the anger by understanding that the other person is only aware of certain experiences in life that may limit them to what they can understand. It still doesn't condone what they did, but your heart needn't hold on to the stress of the situation.  Forgiveness also doesn't always mean that you will remain in contact with the other person.  You may have to part ways as this is also a healing that is needed.  You simply from the bottom of your heart, wish them well in their life and confidently move on with yours. 

Image from artist Nadia Strelkina
Be Patient With Yourself:

Please know that forgiveness and your inner healing takes time.  It doesn't happen overnight.  There are several emotions that you will go through  that will eventually lead you to a higher emotion: happiness.  Remember that when you harbor lower emotions for too long it does more harm to you than anything else as it prevents you from receiving more good into your life.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Home Is In My Heart

Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest.

~Henry Van Dyke

 Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action.
~Mother Teresa

 It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home. ~Author Unknown

                                                                            ~Home Is In My Heart~
What common thread do all these above quotes share? -- No matter how much money you have, or size home, apartment, city you live in, your home  exists where the solid foundation is built on  love. Your home can thrive anywhere you travel, no matter what company you keep as long as your heart is filled with the warmth of unconditional love, honesty, integrity, kindness, generosity and respect.

The images in this post, from famous painter Thomas Kinkade, captures perfectly the glowing light from within a home that can only come from laughter, cherished memories and the purest intentions of love for one another and yourself. Look from within to generate these emotions and you'll notice that home is what you do make of it and where the heart surely resides.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,


Monday, October 5, 2015

Fitness is a State of Mind

What comes to mind when you think of the word "Fitness?" Is it:
  • Going to the gym
  • Taking cycling classes
  • Running
  • Lifting weights
  • Dieting
  • Swimming
  • Kick Boxing
For the most part, these activities above and many more are associated with fitness.  However, regarding the main theme of this blog, Fitness can also involve exercising our minds to be more flexible toward the positive while shedding the negative thoughts away.

"Fitness is a State of Mind."

Fitness doesn't have to be limited to just your physical body.  Its also your mental state---how and what you are thinking, what negative or positive thoughts you channel, what patterns of thought you hold on to or eliminate, that determines how healthy and "Fit" you really are, thus affecting your emotional then physical state.  Its a domino affect---what you affirm daily, whether its your words or actions, determines how you flow throughout the day and how productive you are in the long run.

Even spending time with those who drain your energy, those people that are the type that can't find the bright side to anything and always expect the worse things to happen to them.  These people can rob you of moving forward with your own life.  Next time, take notice to how your feeling when your around someone who has that point of view about life.

How to stay "Fit"

  • Pay attention to all the thoughts that pass through your mind daily.  Keep a journal around with you if possible and record what type of thought(s) your having, when did you have it, was anyone associated with it, what other factors were involved.  Did it lead to positive or negative results.  Keeping a log of your thoughts, might help you recognize any patterns --ways of thinking that are throwing you off course.  Are affirming the wrong thoughts?
  • Write any aspects of your life that you feel grateful for.  Even if its one item--its a start! This healthy habit to get into will allow you to recognize that there is good that surrounds you in your life, regardless of what may seem like days that things go sour.  
  • Have patience with yourself.   Nothing can turn around completely in a day.  Being hard on yourself is exactly the opposite of staying fit.  The more encouraging you are to yourself the better.  Involve others that you trust in your plight to turn a new leaf and become mentally fit.
  • Associate yourself with those who only have the best intentions at heart for you, that mirror your same morals, interests and compassion.  The more you surround yourself with positive people, the more good you will attract into your life.

Guidance, Inspiration and Comfort always,

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Abundance Fills My Life in Every Way

When you think of "abundance," the thoughts of money, or materialistic items stand out.  There are those that feel their lives will be better if they had more financial security and pray for abundance to find them in that way.  Its true that money sometimes makes things a lot easier in a world that is in demand of it, but as the old saying goes, "Money can't buy love."  Money can only go so far if other areas in your life aren't in check.

Obtaining large sums of cash doesn't limit the capability of how prosperity can enter your life.  Abundance can be delivered to you  in all shapes, forms, sizes and themes.

 "Abundance Fills My Life in Every Way."

When you pray, manifest, visualize abundance, remember to also include the following elements of abundance into your life:

  • Love
  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Laughter
  • Faith
  • Comfort
  • Safety
  • Memories
  • Friendship
  • Fun
  • Service
  • Gratitude  
  • Forgiveness
  • Patience
  • Humility
  • Devotion
  • Kindness
  • Grace
  • Understanding 

You aren't limited to the list above.  You can certainly add more ways of asking and receiving abundance.  There is no conversation too big or too small to have with your Angels regarding this. Ask and they will listen and assist in loving ways.

In the Northern Hemisphere--Autumn is now upon us and this season is all about harvest, and reaping what you sow.  The more you are aware of what life really has to offer you, the more opportunities come your way.  As always, with time, patience and determination, all will be realized.

(Images included in this post are from Doreen Virtue's Oracle Cards)

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort Always,


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

I Am Where I Need To Be In This Exact Moment

Slow and steady does win the race...

We get so caught up in what everyone else is doing in life that we feel we are behind in ours.  Whether its worrying about not being married yet, having children, landing that job you wanted, etc., there seems to always be a checklist we are trying to cross off.

~I Am Where I Need To Be In This Exact Moment~

The truth is, we all have our own unique path designed/designated for our own success. We don't exactly know what is going on in someone else's life, the lessons/experiences they had to endure that brought them to where they are now.  So is the same for you.  You have a special journey that only you can embark upon that holds special meaning for you.   I've been there plenty of times where I felt concerned as to why I wasn't where I needed to be based on others performances.  However through time, I've learned that with patience & faith you'll get there. 

There are a lot of factors that are involved with moving ahead in life.  First, your willingness to move forward is definitely key.  Doing the necessary action work along with thought planning is also crucial.  The biggest part of working with time though, is understanding that everything is within divine timing.  There may be other outside elements/people/resources that still need to align itself to you before things in your life can take shape.  Again its all about being patient and having faith through this process.   

 ~I Am Where I Need To Be In This Exact Moment~

This affirmation is a perfect reminder to take a deep breath, relax and rest assured that you are where you need to be right now.  You are not behind nor less qualified or efficient than anyone else.  All will be revealed in due time and there's no need to rush the process of what's to be for you in your life. 

Remember to always do what you feel is right for you, not just what everyone else does. To compare yourself to someone else will only cheat yourself of your true potential.  Everything will come to fruition in due time.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Confusion is an Illusion

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to your weekly affirmation with your Guardian Angels.

Today, we will focus on how to decipher "confusion." 

There are times where we find ourselves at a crossroad.  We are uncertain of the choices we are suppose to make and we get lost and doubtful as to where we are in the decisions that will shape our lives.  Your angels want you to understand what it means when we feel confused and why it takes place.

"Confusion is an Illusion": 

When you start feeling confused its sometimes (based on the situation) a sign that you aren't being true to yourself.  Your not letting yourself reflect your honest intentions.  Your Angels feel that your letting too many outside influences persuade you into thinking there's no way out or you have no other choice, so you lean toward avenues that don't represent the core of who you truly are, thus leading you feeling confused as to where you are going.

How to Eliminate Confusion:

You have to soul search and remember who you are and what you value.  What are your initial true intentions you wanted to set out with.  Confusion is an illusion means, that you aren't truly lost, you just have to remember to remember what your honest intentions are.  Its a sign/reminder to help you get back on track with your authentic - true self.

Your Guardian Angles suggest that you release any old habits, ways of thinking or people from your life that is inauthentic to who you are--that veer you off your path.  Also, if something isn't working out in your life and doesn't flow easily, then its a sign that you must move on from it.  You must surrender and release your concerns to your Angels, and they will deliver your  situation either healed or in a new form than you anticipated.  Pray and meditate -- ask  your Angels to  light your path and send you signs/messages that you will understand in order to move forward.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Friday, September 11, 2015

Book Update & 9/11 Message

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since my last post.  I've been away with family for summer vacation.  Also, my book writing and the elements involved with it has progressed tremendously!  I'll definitely let you all know soon the exciting details. Stay tuned!  I will mention though, that some of my book's theme, reflects on today's message below.

Today, as we remember 9/11, fourteen years ago,  I wanted to share with you two messages from your Guardian Angels to help bring comfort to a day that harbors a multitude of emotions.

"I have become one of your guides"

This first message popped up while  I was shuffling the cards in the Talking to Heaven Mediumship deck by Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh.  It popped out before I could ask the Angels my question.  As there are no coincidences -- everything happens for a reason!  This card needed to come through first to you all.  Please know that if you have lost someone on 9/11 he/she instantly has been and will always be a very special guardian angel in your life.  This person can help you in more ways now from where they are, than they ever could have before.  As you read this very blog, you might have flash backs of how many times you recall feeling  their protective, loving and inspirational guidance in all areas of your life after they have passed.  Know that you aren't imagining this connection and this card serves as confirmation of what you've been feeling all along.  Pray to your Angels to help you feel your loved ones presence eve stronger!

"Although you may not understand it now, everything happens for a reason" 

 There is no doubt that your loved one's passing was abrupt and you were not ready for it to transpire.  Its moments like this that makes it hard to understand the mechanics and fairness in life.  Even though much time has passed, you still may not feel the complete closure you wish to seek.  Your loved ones want you to understand that everything is in divine timing--the time in which they had to leave this earth and the events leading to the understanding of why they had to leave.  We are all here for specific reasons even your involvement in your loved ones life who has left this earth.  Pray to your Angels to help you remember/understand the path you have chosen in this life and how your loved ones are intertwined with it.  All will become clear soon.

I will be returning with my weekly affirmation posts on Mondays, starting next week.

Look forward to connecting with you all! <3

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort alwasys,


Monday, May 11, 2015

I Celebrate Nurturing Qualites in Everyone

Mother's Day is right up there with the big holidays such as  Father's Day,  Valentine's day and Christmas---all of which exude that special time to show love and appreciation toward those very dear in your life.  On Mother's Day, it can seem so effortless to show the incredible women in your world how much you value their guidance, love, and patience through the years growing up.  However, there are others that find this holiday, hard to recognize.

If your part of the percentage that feels Mother's Day isn't a comfortable holiday to celebrate, you might be among those who's mother has passed away, aren't sure who your birth mother is, or  had a falling out with your mom, and no longer speak. Let's understand these scenarios a little further....

Your Mother Passed Away.....

You still have a lot of healing to undergo.  Time does heal wounds, though sometimes its hard to believe.  There are days that seem to flow better, then there are days that hit you harder than a ton of bricks. Everything around you reminds you so much of the very thing that isn't there anymore and the reminders sometimes feel more like a curse than blessing.  The trick though is, that it does take the necessary time to heal, so you can't rush your healing--you have to have  patience with yourself and the will to move forward a little each day.  Surrounding yourself with those who have the best intentions to pick you up when you most need it, is also vital. Praying to your Angels to send you extra love and guidance during this time helps you see clearer more and more.

Finding Your Birth Mother.....

You grew up in foster homes, or were very fortunate to live with adopted parents.  However, you always felt the need to discover who your birth mother is, where is she now, what was her life like.  There is still a part of you that feels incomplete, but yet you are very grateful for those who were able to take you in and make you part of their family.  Its like you were given a second chance to make your mark in the world.  The search for your birth mother can take years and years, some of which could lead to dead-end results.  However, no matter where the search takes you, there is a reason for everything, and your will to keep looking must always stay strong. 

No Longer Speaking With Your Mother....

Growing up, it was always World War III at home.  Never seeing eye-to-eye, you could almost never understand each others' opinions.   Every  visit to your mom's house ended in a heated argument.  You almost felt at times that maybe  you were adopted and couldn't possibly belong or be related to the same person that causes you so much stress, and sometimes hurt.  There are some relationships that can be healed.  It takes the willingness of both people to see it through.  There are other relationships that take a little extra work. and can sometimes feel like a loosing battle.  However, to gain closure and/or start the ball rolling in making that connection to reconcile, there are a couple of routes one can travel:

1- Compose a list of at least five qualities that you do like about your mother.  If you can only think of two or three, its a start. This helps you to  focus on more of the good, rather the bad. After writing this list, put it away and surrender and release your concerns to God and your Angles to heal the relationship.

2-Compose a letter of all that you wish to say to your mother.  Sometimes writing out your feelings allows you to completely reveal everything that may be missed with in-person conversations. You can choose to send it to her, or again, put it away, and surrender and release your concerns to God and your Angels to heal this relationship. It will either come back healed, or you the Universe will align you to gain the closure you need in a different way.

So how do you revel in such a day when all the above can change the scope of everything?   How can the affirmation below help you do this?

I Celebrate Nurturing Qualities in Everyone

No matter if your mother has passed away, or you can't find your birth mother or haven't been able to square away differences with your mother, God and your Angels have still provided all around you, others that you can still honor on Mother's Day.  Your Aunts, Grandmothers, Sisters, Cousins, Co-Workers, Friends, Mothers of your Friends, even sometimes Father's who fill in for the Mother role, are just as important and inspirational to have in your life.  You see, nurturing love can come from everyone and anyone and your Angels want you to know that you have unlimited supply of it.  Instead of focusing on what is lacking/missing, look to what is truly all around you that helps buoy your faith daily.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,


(Images above from artist Nadia Strelkina)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Message from the Writers desk...

Hello Everyone,

 Sorry I've been m.i.a lately...I've been working even more so on completing my book & Im very close to its finish. I'm so excited to soon share it's details with you all!!!

I will return next week with my regular posts. 

Also want to wish my mothers Sandy & Nina, Grandma Marie, Grandma Rose & Grandma Di Pasquale in Heaven, my aunts, cousins, friends, co-workers, clients, followers on Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot and my friends that are mothers-to-be....I wish you all a beautiful, blessed Mother's Day that lasts all year through. May you all feel the same love, patience, generosity and devotion that you endlessly give, be bestowed upon you tenfold.

Look forward to connecting with you all!

Have an inspirational day!!!


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter! & A Note From the Writer's Desk....

Wishing my Family, Friends, Clients & Viewers, a beautiful, loving, blessed Easter & for my Jewish friends a happy Passover.

Also, wanted to update everyone on how by book is coming along.  I'm making speedy progress and more than half way complete.  Its been an extraordinary honor to be able to thus far, collect my research and all my experiences, to cultivate a book, that I hope will help so many people move forward in their lives.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Thursday, March 19, 2015

"I'm My Own Lucky Charm"

Hello Everyone!

Hope all is well with you.  I'm still very busy/productive working on my book which is why again, its been a little while since my last post.  However, I'm aiming to make more frequent posts here as I compose my book.  Thx again for your patience & understanding.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day this past Tuesday, I wanted to share with you my thoughts on "Luck."

You've all heard the sayings, "She has all the luck!" & "He is so lucky!"  For many, "Luck" has also been associated with, "being at the right place at the right time" scenario.

Rather,  by changing your mind frame/perspective regarding what luck truly is, you can actually bring  more of it to you.  Luck doesn't have to be the unattainable, or only provided for the special talented.  

Luck is how:

*diligent & determined you are when reaching for your goals.
*carefully detailed your action plan is

*optimistic/focused you stay within the "eye of the storm" regarding  distractions pertaining to your goal.

*flexible you are to change

*you volunteer  to lend a hand to others

*grateful you are for what’s in your life

*willing you are to learn new things

*you love unconditionally

*honest you are with yourself and others

*you stay true to your intentions and integrity

 Luck is whatever you make of it, & the list can go on and on.   
How successful you are in any area of your life,  depends on what you utilize from within you, 
and make it your own…

You are your own Lucky Charm!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
Angelic Motivation