Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What’s Your 2016 Nurture Plan?

Hello Everyone!  Happy 2016! 

Hope you all had a safe, fruitful New Year and that you celebrated with those who are close to your heart.

Photo by Anthony Freeman in Dubrovnik, Croatia
So what is your 2016 nurture plan?   Hmmm, not sure? Let me rephrase--what is your new year's resolution--Ahh now you know, right?  Take a moment though and recite the first question.  Now say the second one.  How do you feel when you say both questions?

Do you feel creative, carefree, and motivated when you say "nurture plan?"  Do you feel nervous, agitated, and overwhelmed when you say "resolution?"

In channeling this week's blog post, I wanted to share your angels' perspective on the old familiar "resolution" question.  I was intuitively guided to connect with a new way of saying resolution, or a new developed action plan that we can set for the new year.  Your angels mentioned that you don't have to label each year as  "resolution time" as this tends to trigger thoughts of feeling pressured, and sometimes quitting before even starting.

Photo by Anthony Freeman in Monte Carlo, Monaco
Sometimes resolutions become more of a robotic checklist that seems too rigidly set in stone.   Rather, your angels want you to have fun with your goals and to be flexible with what may come up through the manifestation process.  A nurture plan is you simply tending to every aspect of your goal, making them "grow" daily--just as you would nurture flowers/plants. A little water here, soil-seeds--sunlight there--etc.  For goals-- all you need is intention, affirmations, vision boards, action plans, divine timing, etc--you'll see changes that bring you forward each day.  With developed, nurtured plans, the gateway to being more creative flourishes and your more determined to see the completion of the creations/experiences you can have in your life. It brings the joy back into wanting to take your life to new heights and the desire to see the completion of your goal.

What areas of your life do you want to nurture:

Is it Career/Work Relationships/Family Relationships/Romantic Relationships/Friend Relationships/Health/Thought Patterns/Money - Abundance Relationships/Behaviors/, etc.

For each area of your life, ask yourself the following questions in determining your inner compass toward what needs more nurturing in your life.

Photo by Anthony Freeman in Monte Carlo, Monaco
  1. What worked well for you last year?   
  2. What didn't work well?
  3. What thought patterns led you to____.
  4. What could you have handled differently?
  5. What were your unfinished products?
  6. What did you start?
  7. What places would you like to visit?
If you'd like further guidance regarding your life purpose and your nurturing plans, please inquire, and I can arrange an Angelic Life Coaching Session with you where we can dig deeper in creating a Nurturing Plan that suites you.

If you'd like an individual 12-Month Spread reading, which reveals more detailed highlights for your own life purpose, and the angelic energy of each month, please also contact me via the link below:

Look forward to connecting with you all!

Guidance, Inspiration & Motivation always,

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