Friday, February 12, 2016

Angelic Valentine's Motivational Message

Hello Everyone,

Valentine's Day is upon us once more.  It's interesting how when you're a teenager you see this holiday differently.  As a teenager this day could "make or break your life." That need to have someone was all that was important then.  I remember times when I did have a valentine and times when I didn't, and those times I didn't have one--I felt everyone was out and about, but me.  As I grew older though, I learned that Valentine's day isn't just a one day holiday.  Valentine's Day isn't just about celebrating with your significant other.  It represents so much more.  This day of love is something we should cherish each day and remind others how special they are in our lives--each and every day.  Its a day where you can show love and appreciation in various ways--that go beyond flowers, chocolate and jewelry--for all your family members, your friends, and for life itself.  So, if perhaps you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife to share this Valentine's Day, there's nothing wrong with you and your not missing out.  You have a lot of love to give to so many others and when you share it with whomever you choose, your still celebrating its worth and you will receive it back!

Your angels' message for this Valentine's Day is:  


 The energy of this holiday for this year, may bring an opportunity for you to forgive, make peace and recover that much needed closure with any past relationships that may have ended or have room for improvement.  Someone from your past whether a significant other, family member or friend may resurface your into life.  This is a chance for you both or all (if group of people) to revisit moments where you can learn more about the relationship--what went wrong--what message needs to be assessed and old patterns to turn toward the positive.

When your able to truly forgive you allow more love into your life and can attract more good into your life as well.  Forgiving doesn't mean that you justify what the other person did, but that you no longer want to hold on to the negative and toxic energies of those harsh feelings.  You are freeing yourself from what holds you back.  With an open heart, more is possible.

Forgiveness also dwells in yourself for any past decisions you've made that perhaps didn't turn out the way you hoped.  Take this time to learn from these choices and know that you are growing and learning the best way you can.  Have patience with yourself.  See mistakes not as mistakes but as blessings in disguise-which are able to show your strengths.

Ask your angels to bring more love and peace into your heart for yourself and others.  Pray to your angels to enable you to see the beauty in life itself . When you see the world through unconditional eyes, the rest will follow.  I close with this quote which I feel quite sums up love....

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
Andrea <3

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