Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Angelic Monthly Guidance for June

Hello Everyone!

We finally are a few weeks closer to the official start of summer here in New York! I'm beyond thrilled to finally enjoy walking outside without freezing! Flip-flop weather -- here I come! With June now upon us, we are entering a new energy for this part of the year....

Photography by Anthony Freeman - Ocean City, MD
June is the "6th" month of the year and in angelic numbers, "6" represents how well you are moving forward with your life--are you successfully solving problems or making breakthroughs within obstacles in your path?   Its important during this month that you remove your focus on worrying about the "how's" of what you want to obtain, and focus your energy on setting positive intentions toward your goal.  When you obsess over what is lacking or that which is still needed--you only attract more of what isn't in your life.  In order to master staying positive about the fruition of your goal, and to help you successfully solve problems and have breakthroughs-- your angelic monthly guidance for June is..."go back to school."  However, this message has many layers to it and may not necessarily mean physically going back to school in some cases.  Let's start dissecting this message, covering all whom it may pertain to....

This month's message may very well be for those who will spend their summer in school that is geared toward their major, or area of expertise.  You may have college courses that you still need to take that are only offered in the summer that are needed for your major.

Maybe you aren't the typical age of a college student , but your going back to school to further your business experience, or finishing your high school degree, or obtaining your bachelors degree or going for your masters.  Perhaps you are starting a summer internship that is beneficial in you discovering if that particular career is right for you.    You may even be interested in taking online courses as well for distant learning if its to build a new business venture, or to enhance a better quality of life.

Art by Nadia Strelkina
School though isn't just limited to subjects such as math, history, science, etc. Going back to school or going to school could also mean learning more about your physical health.  Perhaps you have finally decided that this is the month to get into shape or broaden your ways to stay in shape and make it more interesting.  Taking new gym classes such as Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Cycling is a start. 

Maybe its recreational classes/experiences your in search for, such as--learning how to drive a boat, mountain climbing, jet skiing, scuba diving, horse back riding, canoeing, etc.

Traveling/vacationing is another from of learning especially if your going to a location that is rich with history such as the Mediterranean, London, Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Tibet, etc.  Its within these locations and so many others that you learn about your culture and how the world lives.  You discover so much within yourself in your travels. 

Taking up a musical talent? Piano lessons, guitar, drums, violin, singing, dancing, etc. Connecting with your creative, artistic side also, such as pottery, ceramics, drawing, painting are all other avenues where you rediscover and learn who you are. 

Learning more about yourself also involves quiet reflection, meditation--you time.  Perhaps reading books or filling out workbooks regarding soul searching.  Maybe you need to do research on a current writing project your undertaking and learning its material is needed. 

As you can see any and all of these above reasons and forms of going to school or learning something new are
Photography by Anthony Freeman - Pisa, Italy
confirmations that this is the right path for you right now in helping you move forward with your life, solve a problem and make breakthroughs. Give any and all cares and concerns to God and your angels regarding finding the time and money to complete whatever schooling you wish.  All will be revealed in due time--trust divine timing will set the course.  If its a goal you have--it wasn't planted inside of you by accident--there's a reason and purpose to everything in your life.

Overall--which ever schooling your intersted in--its the learning about your strength and resilience within you---what your capable of--your skill set--what you like and dont like--what makes you "tick"that helps shape the course of your future. 

Enjoy the journey of what life has to offer and is waiting for you to explore.

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

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