Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Your Never Alone in Prayer

Hello Everyone,

In light of  recent events that have transpired in Paris, I wanted  to channel for you today, your Angels' messages on what you need to focus on in order to cope/begin healing through the next few days, weeks, and months to follow. Today's blog post though is not just for those in Paris, but applies toward all countries who have seen the face of violence.

No matter what corner of the world you live in, these shocking attacks deeply impact you in some way.  Some of us in these parts of the world,  share the common thread of being taken advantage of, feeling vulnerable and being ripped from normalcy, as these types of attacks often try to do.    Now more than ever though, we have to turn our fear into strength and come together as one. 

How do we do this?

Before composing today's post, I thought for a while on what to discuss. I was intuitively guided to discuss "prayer" and in doing so, I wanted to further channel our Angels' comforting words by connecting with them through Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot cards.  I felt compelled to use this deck which is Angel based because it always expresses clear and direct messages that are so needed right now....

Your Never Alone in Prayer:

I intuitively drew "Unity" represented by Archangel Sandalphon, and what better card to receive right now than this!  In Angel Tarot, this card is part of the Major Arcana which represents major/life altering changes occurring.  The number Five in Angel numbers displayed on this card, also represents change or challenges, but that which offers the opportunity for growth. And here's where there are no coincidences as everything is all connected--Archangel Sandalphon is the Archangel whom delivers your prayers to God and your Angels.  

Your Angels acknowledge right now how your feeling or even the numbness that perhaps has taken over because of these attacks in Paris and in other locations around the world.  It triggers your own memories perhaps of what has happened in your own country or it awakens a new emotion that you've never felt before.  

***Our world is embarking on a major shift and this shift is rapidly bringing us all together to cast light where there was once darkness.***

Your Angels' encourage you to not give up on the power of prayer during this time.  Prayers are the ripple effect that we need.  When you pray you ignite the fire within to bring change.  When you pray, others join in and where there was once one voice, now  becomes millions.  Some may think its pointless to pray and that it leads to no concrete action, but it does.  When you pray, you are not alone.  You gather an army--a peaceful army of your Angels and Archangels that are at the ready to guide your hand, tongue and thoughts with the power of intention and integrity. They help you yield the will to make this world quite possibly a better place.
It's time for you to have faith in others again.  Ask your Angels to rebuild your trust toward mankind and unite with those who also seek peace.  

I want to close with two thoughts that will further help us all on the road to unity....first with a song.  I'm currently taking a class with the beautifully gifted International Psychic-Medium, Melissa Cubillas.  Upon each class, she lets us all hear a song that is set to empower us.  I want to share a song here that I feel will also do the same for you during these times we face---its called Oceans by Hillsong United.  (Make sure to listen to the version that is approx 9 mins long.)  This song you'll find will connect with you in various ways and packs many meanings. As for me, it's that of connecting with God and the Angels--of simpler times of a drama free life--remembering where we all came from and what we are all part of--the bigger picture -- nothing matters but love --- and that we are never alone.

Finally I close with this quote from Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire--though this book/movie is fantasy--it still portrays truth to our reality...

"Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, and, reminds us, that though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one." 


(Before I hit "publish" for this post the time was "5:55" which in Angel Numbers means:  Tremendous changes are occurring--to keep these changes on a positive note--maintain your thoughts in the highest intention and continue to pray and affirm the positive!

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
Andrea <3

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