Friday, March 10, 2017

Angelic Monthly Guidance for March

Hello Everyone,

So as I mentioned in my last post, I'm a bit late in posting this month's angelic message, but there's still plenty of time to apply the angels' energetic guidance for our current month.

I decided to use Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot cards and intuitively chose:

"Solutions ~ Archangel Zadkiel"

Archangel Tarot takes the wisdom of tarot and softens it with the symbolism of angel card readings, and within this deck, your connected with your the Archangels whom specializes in certain areas of your life.

This card is full of "message imagery" and one of the items I wanted to share with you first is the number "14" at the top of the card.  This number broken down in angel numbers is "5"   1+4= (5)

Five represents changes that are occurring in your life, but with these changes comes an opportunity for growth.  To further confirm that this card is extremely focusing on change for you--this particular card is part of the major arcana section of the deck also representing major life changes.  If someone has been experiencing a shift or a much needed one--this card is definitely meant for you.

Archangel Zadkiel as depicted on this card, is holding two cups of water which are being filled and emptied at the same time.  This suggests that balance is needed and within that balance you are never without lack of anything. ( I will explain balance further in this post). The sun is shining behind him and a flame lit in front of him suggesting , the worst as happened and is now gone and the eternal spark within you can never dim regardless of what negativity has swirled around you.  The flowers that are all around him portray that the newness is blossoming around you. 

Archangel Zadkiel is known to assist in remembering aspects of your life whether its in this lifetime or other lifetimes.  He also enables you to forgive whether its of yourself or others.  Returning  to the theme of balance in your life--Archangel Zadkiel will help you heal parts of yourself where you were impatient with yourself or others and compromise in healthy ways in connecting with others to developing more positive solutions in your life.  Positive solutions of  others or your past experiences will help shape your future opportunities.

If you have felt  stressed or confused about what needs to be done next in your life--there are solutions all around you--the idea though is to be centered and balanced to recognize them.  A lot has transpired lately for you and now it takes patience and the willingness to also have others help you.  You don't have to take the burden all on your own. 

You can pray to Archangel Zadkiel if you wish or to whomever you are comfortable with in helping you find  creative solutions through compromise and healing energy. 

For a more detailed-personal angel reading, please visit my website: or e-mail me at

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,

Have a fruitful & productive weekend!

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