Friday, November 16, 2018

Mercury Retrograde - In Sagittarius - Nov 16 - Dec 6

It's baaaaaaack!  Mercury Retrograde arrives today & closes out 2018!

So with that, I wanted to share an extra post with you this week to help you thrive (not panic) during this retrograde, which will last until December 6th. (you know--just in time for the holidays =) 

What's all the fuss?

Have you noticed/felt during certain times of the year--more than usual - an extra heightened sense of confusion, frustration, anger, emotional roller coaster vibes, technology not working properly, travel mishaps, miscommunication with others and a sense of delay within certain areas in your life?  Mercury Retrograde can occur up to four times a year (for a duration of 3 weeks), which means what you experience above can be magnified a million times more.  Don’t worry, a lot of us in some way will feel this energetic pull and it all stems from the energy that planet Mercury emanates during retrograde. Have no fear, there are ways to prepare for these energies and you can ride the retrograde wave. Its time to look at this cycle in terms of rebirth instead of  a series of setbacks.

Image from Google
What is Retrograde?
·        Retrograde embodies the optical illusion of a planet moving backward through a zodiac or astrological sign when the planet is observed from earth.  A faster moving planet passes by a slower moving planet – creating the supposed backward movement – retrograde.  Mercury passes part of its orbit that is closer to the earth and begins to travel to the further side of the sun and from this perspective moves in the opposite direction as Earth.  It seems like it’s moving forward, then backwards, then forward as it returns to pass earth once more.  

Visualize the following: two trains are moving forward, but one is moving slightly slower which makes it appear that the slower moving train is traveling backward.  The same example can be experienced while driving on the road. Mercury is currently doing this transition and when it does, the areas of life that Mercury represents goes into a waiting period or “resting state.”  Mercury is known as the messenger/communication planet and it affects communication between others (e-mails, in-person conversations), travel, signing contracts, starting new projects, technology, automobiles.

The Effects of Mercury Retrograde:
• You might have heightened disagreements with others and notice other’s behaviors toward you are rougher than usual.  E-mails might also be misconstrued.
• Signing contracts or starting new projects might result in glitches, setbacks or overlooked key items/terms.
•  Technology or automobiles might not perform efficiently.
•  Traveling might become even more of a headache.  Slower commutes than usual.
•  You might feel overly sensitive regarding certian areas of your life such as your career or personal goals or your interaction with others.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (Fire Element):

Image From Google
Those who have Fire as their element (like in Sagittarius, Aries or Leo zodiacs)  are often accustomed to fast paced thinking or living, so during this retrograde you might feel the nagging pull to slow it down a lot of notches.  Even if this isn't your element or zodiac, you will still feel what would seem like a "snails pace" energy.  If you seem overwhelmed by what you can't control, focus on what you can. You might be very restless, which this energy will try to distract you, so the need to keep the body/mind moving will crave either exercise or fun activities to keep your energy in constant flow.  This will help center you. You may find the need to literally take the time to pause, take a deep breath and refocus your energy. Meditation or Yoga can help with this. Delaying the need for instant gratification might be showing you a life lesson pattern that needs to be corrected. Stop and think of what is truly necessary to do feel or know  If your sign is Sagittarius or just for the nature of this zodiac for this retrograde, its best to not overwhelm yourself in saying yes to everything or dabbling in too much than you can handle.  Its nice to have different interests but placing yourself int too many directions will make your head spin and make you feel your not accomplishing anything. Pace yourself. Slooooow done!  Its ok to have many goals, but this retrograde will show you how to be realistic with what you can complete and what's more priority.  Take the time to review projects or goals you started and haven't finished.  That's a great place to start!

Ways to Prepare and Thrive Duing Mercury Retrograde:
• Mercury Retrograde teaches us to slow down in all areas of life—especially in the areas Mercury represents and for us to look within--reflect--be more mindful of what’s going on. Release what no longer serves a higher purpose for our energies and to acquire a renewed sense of self. 
• Mercury Retrograde asks us to take the time to think, redo or review projects and plans, be more thorough, “finish what you started”, be patient with others and ourselves, be more present in how you communicate with others and the way you express yourself.
• Remain flexible, adaptable to change in plans/projects/goals, allow more travel time to avoid further delays, reflect on the past as a way to see what needs to be worked on—but don’t dwell in the past as a way to put yourself down.
• Hold off on signing contracts until Mercury retrograde is over.  If you can’t, make sure to be very detailed in reviewing everything and have backup plans in place.
• Try not to make final decisions on anything until after Mercury Retrograde.
• Try to be more compassionate/patient with others and yourself during this time—if you can’t–try to establish healthy boundaries until after Mercury retrograde.

The necessity to prepare/know how to ride the retrograde wave:

There are pre and post shadow phases of Mercury that is pre-released and afterwards--still needing time to wind down from the heightened energies.  The Pre-phases are sometimes felt earlier on signaling to you intuitively what you need to work on during retrograde.  Post phases still nudges you to be gently and nurturing with yourself. 

•  By preparing and not stubbornly going against the current of drama, you will cause less friction during this time.  By giving yourself advance notice before retrograde, enables you to be more flexible and attuned to the energies that take place.
•  When you notice which zodiac sign Mercury Retrograde is in, it better helps you understand the influences you are experiencing from either your own birth month or just the attributes of the zodiac itself.  as mentioned above the we are in Sagittarius.
•  Use this time to see where you have been putting your energies toward and where your true main focus has been lacking.

My Experiences with Mercury Retrograde:
I definitely notice a shift in me during Mercury Retrograde, and especially within the first three days.  2017's Mercury Retrograde in August really knocked me on my behind and that is what motivated me to learn more about it and to help others in a Workshop I conduct.  I didn't want to just walk around and say, "Oh its Mercury Retrograde again, time to hide!"  I truly wanted to understand the energy taking place, and shared it with others. 

August of 2017 was very a emotional, sensitive time that left me with a lack of motivation to work on projects I had put off.  I also noticed things that normally wouldn’t bother me, did during retrograde that time.  After fully understanding how Mercury Retrograde truly benefits you, I noticed a shift in my perspective for the better.  I still feel the pull from time-to-time, but I now know why its happening and I don't feel like a victim --I now have courses of action to take.

The best advice I could give to others during Mercury Retrograde, is to be kind, patient and nurturing to yourself and others.  Use this time to retreat and not be so hard on yourself.  If you need a day to be by yourself or even if it’s just half the day—take it in order to do a life review.   If you find yourself aware of what you’ve been putting off to work on or to finish regarding career and personal goals---take the time to do it. That might be the pull you’re also feeling.  Everyone gets affected by Mercury Retrograde differently - it depends on what is being showed to you that is crucial to your life path and which astrological sign the retrograde is in.

Retrogrades in 2019:
  • March 16th - March 26th - (Pisces)
  • July 9th - July 30th -  (Cancer)
  • November 1st - November 18th - (Scorpio) 
Key words for Mercury Retrograde:
  •       Revisit
  •     Review
  •     Reevaluate
  •     Rejuvenate
  •     Release
  •     Renew
  •     Reflect
  •     Rethink

***If you live in the Staten Island area, and would like to attend my Mercury Retrograde Workshop, please contact me via:

Guidance, Inspiration & Comfort always,
Andrea =)

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